Chapter 9

353 21 4

July 20th, 2014

"Tiara called, pooh.", mom said as she came out the shower toweled up. "Was it about the party this Sunday?" I shouted laying on my beanbag chair on the other side of her room. She came through the bathroom door and went to her walk in.

"I have no idea. And WHAT party?" She emphasized on the "what". Ughh here we go.

"Mommy don't worry about it. Th-" She cut me off.

"NO do not tell me not to worry. If theres any drinking or smoking IM taking my car and bringing your ASS, Tiara, and Abe's asses home. You know how T's friends are." Mom said in a yelling-like tone.

I could'nt guarantee all that, now. Not giving me a chance to talk, she went on. "Your daddy lets you smoke hookah and all which is FINE with me because theres no weed in it..."

Yeah ok mom

"...and he's supervising it. See? Thats my thing. There has to be atleast someone at the party and you know how I feel about that."

She went on and on and on...

"Remember you told me about that bartender who put alcohol in the soda at Deedra's 18th?" She asked while putting her bra on.

"Yeah bu-"

I still couldn't finish.

"Were her parents there?"


"Yes but..." She paused and said mockingly.

It got quiet.

"Exactly. They weren't exactly 'supervising' y'all.", she seriously stated putting up air quotes. I swear this woman is so damn young yet she acts like a 50 year old when it comes to these situations.

"Okayyy, ok,ok, I get it. Even if cigs and beer are there I wont be near it for the whole night. Pinky promise?" Mom suspiciously gazed at me with her squinted chinky eyes and hesitated to stick her pinky out.

"I trust you baby, I just don't want my child getting arrested or hurt.Next thing you know that shit will be on TMZ in a hot second." She kissed my nose and went downstairs leaving me in deep thought.

Dec went to some club ONCE AGAIN with his friends. This ain't fair! I cant be around the type of shit that Dec is around yet he's just a year older than me and exposes himself to that mess. He's not even 21. I guess fake ID does work miracles.

Mom bullshits around it like "He's in college" and blah blah blah. "Let him do what he wants then he'll come crying back to us." She's right about that, though. Dad just gives him pep talks over the phone like he usually does when he's away. And says "Aye Dec, do not let the weed get to you. If you feel a lil somethin then take a shot of Henny. You'll be good. If not drink water."

Daddy was pretty chill when it came to these situations.

Whatever though. I cant wait until the day I graduate and leave Cali for NY, my original birthplace.

New York City is LIVE as ever and the apartment complexes there are pretty ill. Mommy and Champagne Papi promised that we'd go and look for one for me in September! They're my babies.

I was in mom and dad's room and saw him coming through using his crutches to get inside. Dad threw his phone on the bed. For a while, they slept in seperate rooms because of their issues and not being at home often because of touring. But now, I things are different I guess? Anyways, Dad wore his Nike slip ons while mommy was barefoot. Mom shot him a look and rolled her eyes as he limped into the bathroom purposely having one of the crutches touch her leg.

"Im sorry" he said smirking.

"Aubrey, shut up." she said knowing that he played too much.

Mom was in her walk in closet picking out what seemed to be sweatshorts. She and I were going to the studio today with SB to re-run the bonus tracks for the Pink Print. Daddy never liked SB, though. He's been nothing but nice to us since mommy and dad dated and was the one to help her out with me and Dec when he wasnt there. Mom looked over to me on the bed and right then and there his phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw "RIH". She walked over to the bed and said "Why is this nigga fucking with Rihanna?"

"Drake ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" she screamed to the heavens.

She was right next to me and I swear that my ear drums popped. I felt my ears bleed and rushed to get some toilet paper. It was nothing major.

"Stop yelling in front of Autumn, Nicki. I'm right next to you. WHAT THE FUCK?" Papi yelled as he came out the bathroom.



(To be continued...)

What'd you guys think? What do you predict will happen? Let me know in the comment box below!

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