Chapter 13

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August 2nd, 2014

Court Day

8:30 a.m.

"MA, WHERE'S MY TIE?" Dec shouted from his room.

"I DON'T KNOW, LOOK IN YOUR CLOSET." She yelled from her room.

I was still sleeping in my bed just to be woken up by these two over a dang tie. Since, I wouldn't be going to court with them, only mommy and December were getting ready for when papi would meet them here and carpool in the SUV. Her bodygaurd was meeting her here too in a couple minutes.

"Rise and shine, retard! And don't act like you're sleeping because I know you're up." Dec enthusiatically came in eating a banana with his trousers on, his shirt with no tie, no socks, curls uncombed and all that.

Now HE was the epitomy of a retard.

"Close my blinds, nigga." I said aggravated after the bright sun shone through the curtains leaving sort of an opague purple light.

"Nope, yo ass starts school in a month. Get used to it."

"Boy, shut up. Comin in here half dressed and whatnot." I chuckled to myself. He really did look like a mess.

"Sis got jokes huh?"

"Yep. Lots of 'em. Oh, by the way when does this whole thing start?" I asked now sitting up with my back against the headboard.

"9:30, why?"

"Nana said she was gonna meet you guys there and so did grandma Sandy thats why."

"Oh ok, well yeah its from 9:30 to 10:15. Divorces don't take that long to finalize anyway. We'll be back up in this bitch in no time." He said on his way out.

"Thanks and please close my door this time!" As usual, my door was left half open.

"Wait come back!"

"Yes?" He said at the door.

"I know your in a rush but can you make me some blueberry pancakes real quick?" I asked with my puppy face.

"How many you want?"

"Five would be good."

"Damn, Autumn I never seen anyone with an appetite as big as yours in the morning." December walked out putting emphasis on the 'morning'.

I fell asleep again for a couple minutes listening to my stomach grumble.

8:45 a.m.

"December come on we have to be at the place by 9. What the HELL are you doing?"

"Ma, chill I'm already dressed just gotta do my hair and your still trying to pick out a pair of heels."

"Amen!" said Oscar, mommy's hair dresser.

I was at the kitchen table on my phone chowing down my fourth pancake when Dad arrived. He still had the house keys so he didn't bother knocking.

"Well someone looks handsome this morning!" I said to him. He wore a black suit and a navy tie with his watch studded with diamonds.

"Thanks babygirl, morning. They ready yet?"

"Dec, is but Mommy isn't." I said shaking my head. I couldn't blame her because I take a long time picking out my heels too.

"As usual, man. Whats new?"

"Ok I'm ready, how do I look?" She asked coming down the stairs referring to me.

"You look pretty. Alittle too sexy for court but its pretty." I said. Her hair was wavy similar to how it was at the BET Awards except this time she sported a black velvet Hermes dress that stopped mid-thigh with some nude Guiseppe heels.

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