Chapter 11

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July 23rd, 2014

The silence is deafening.

Mommy and Daddy are done.

With everthing.

The Divorce is being finalized in 3 days.

While Dad, 40, and OB were at the studio, Auntie Sherika, Thee Thee, and Auntie Candi came to the house. Mom's face was a little messed up. Her eye was so swollen that she could hardly see out of it. A patch covered the bluish-blackish color.

The best friends all layed on the big living room couch and sipped on Myx. Lavender blosson candles were lit, scenting the house.

"Girl, why'd you let him do this to you?" asked Thee Thee.

"Its been going on for too long and y'all new that. It just never got to the nitty gritty like this." Mommy sighed.

Auntie Candi exclaimed, "Now we plot to kill that man!"

She was the only one laughing histetically.

"Candi, you're crazy." stated Auntie Sherika.

"And who laughs at their own jokes?" Thee Thee questioned.

"You guys should know her by now." Mom said shaking her head.

"It's okay, y'all. Go ahead, keep on judging. That's why y'all are boring. Live alittle damn." Candi said.

They ended up spending the night and had a "grown pajama party" minus the pajamas. It sounded fun from what I overheard upstairs.

I DID NOT want to join them after hearing "I need to get myself a vibrator 'cause I can't take all this sexual tension." It sounded like mom's voice. Not to mention, they were starting to get tipsy off red wine.

"Well, after pain comes pleasure right?" Auntie Sherika agreed.

"Amen to that." Mom nodded and smiled.

It was great to see her happy again. Well, for the time being.

"Nic, when are you and Safaree gonna stop being friends with benefits and make things official?" Thee Thee questioned.

"Forreal, girl. Its about time." stated Auntie Candi.

"I don't know about that yet, you guys. Sometimes I picture him being a stepdad to Autumn and December and it gives me a weird feeling. He's known them their whole lives so they probably just see him as a family friend slash uncle." Mommy admitted.

"You'll never know how it'll work out because you never realized how much he loved you not only as a friend but much more than that. How many times has he said it to you and how many times have you dodged the question?"

That was the smartest thing I've heard from Auntie Candi all night.

"See? You've been blind this whole time. He's taken care of your kids for you when Drake wasn't there, told you that he loved you countlessly, and treated you like a queen. Hell, he even watched Tiara and Abe when Deshon and Khalil left. Am I right? Or am I right?" Auntie Sherika looked over at Thee Thee.

"Yup! She has a point Onika."

Auntie continued.

"Look all we're sayin' is why don't you give Safaree a chance."

"In due time." Mom simply stated.

"In due time."

The day after the sleepover they all went out to dinner at Philippe Chow's and Dec drove me to T's house.

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