Chapter 3

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July 2nd, 2014.

Dad left a couple days ago...Oh! I forgot to mention December was here!!! Turn up! We fought and annoyed one another like crazy sometimes but in the end stuck together like Gorrilla Glue.

Whenever he came home from UCLA, he'd ring the doorbell more than once, leaving mom annoyed for some seconds and running down the stairs while yelling "I'll get it!".

He played D2 football for the Bruins so he was obviously tall, (6'2 while dad is 6'0) and built. Dec was a Momma's boy under some circumstances but he'd try to hide it saying "I'm too for grown all'lat!".

Anyways I peeped out my four pane window and saw him holding a bouquet of pink roses behind his back (Moms favorite color and type of flower). Dec also held a little velvet box in his wide hand but I couldn't guess on what type of jewelery it was. I noticed he grew out his hair, what was formerly a fade, into a curly afro.

The door unlocked and all I heard was "MY STINKY'S HOME!!!!" (To this day mom still refers to him as that)

"Deeeeese!!! You're here!", I yelled while doing my lil shuffle dance.

I fell fown 2 flights of stairs to see that boy, he'd better be glad I hadn't fractured a damn leg. Blushing and chuckling to himself, while embracing the both of us, my big brother said,

"Hey Ma, hey Autumn how y'all been?! I got a lil somethin for you both."

He brought his left arm to his torso and handed Mommy the flowers. Her eyes got misty and she cried like a baby. Considering their height difference (Mom is 5'2, by the way) December lifted her up so she could kiss him all over his face.

"Thank you babe, they're beautiful! I'm putting them in the vase you made me in 3rd grade." she said after he put her back down. Mom walked to the kitchen, rested the bouquet on the granite countertop, and filled up the clear vase with water.

With only Dec and I standing at the foyer, all that was left to do was to hug eachother. We stood that way for 5 minutes.

"It hasn't been the same without you, bro" I said.

"I know, Ma Dukes told me what was going on when I spoke to her two days ago. She said Dad hit her in the face again. The bruise isn't even visible though." Dec paused and realized, "Damn, mom's good with makeup." We laughed at that for a couple seconds. Not that the situation was funny, but the way that Dec said it was.

"Oh! I almost forgot to give you this."

The velvet box was placed in my palms and I opened it to encounter a gold necklace that read "Autumn" in Brooklyn script with diamonds encrusted inside. (The font that you see in those ghetto hoop hearrings + necklaces that the girls from NY wear.) "I got it for you to go along with your 'Autumn' bracelet and stud earrings that mom + dad gave you at birth. Your old one broke so I figured I'd cop it.", he smiled.

"I can't thank you enough! Love you, Dec."

"Love you too, sis."

"Dinner's ready babies! I made your favorite Dec, spaghetti and fried chicken with purple Jell-O and strawberry cake for desert." December liked the weirdest food combinations...

One of the numerous things that mama could do was THROW DOWN! Her Trini special was bomb. She would make curry chicken and roti with all the curry sauce ending up on the corners of Dec and I's mouth. She usually made the sauce mild just for me and extra spicy for daddy and December.I'm not a big fan of hot foods.

Grace was said and with that, it was just me, mommy, and Dec chomping down like crazy. What we needed was daddy to complete things. When dinner was over + dishes were being picked up, I pecked mommy's lips forgetting that there was spaghetti sauce remaining on the corner of mine.

"Thanks, Mom. Goodnight."

"Your welcome, boo. Sleep tight and wipe your mouth next time.", she said dabbing a napkin on her face.

I went up to my room after I finished helping straighten up the dining room and slept straight through. I heard Dec open my door and kiss my cheek.

"Night weirdo, love you." He walked out. A light sleeper is what I am. So of course, minutes later, I overheard mom and big bro talking over in the next room to eachother about whats been happening with their lives while they were apart.

She told him about dad.

Her crying was muffled so I assumed that her head was buried in his chest as he consoled her. His deep voice went, "Ma, you got this. You and Dad struggled to hold down the fort down for too long and I know you're putting more effort in than he is. Goin' to school everyday and being called a "slut" and "whore" while managing to care for me and Autumn was damn sure hard. Its crazy how dad layed back and took this all in. No one went around calling him an "asshole" or "manwhore" and he never really did much to defend you at the time." Dec really knew what to say and when to say it. Thats why I loved my knucklehead.

Dec continued, "People still come up to me saying 'You're 18 and your mom's 31? Thats cray.' A lotta them don't even know me and wanna be befriend me just to get a piece of our "celeb" lives. I know Autumn goes through the same damn thing too. What we have to do is rise above the all the bull and keep goin'. Thats what you and Pops taught us, right?"

I see why he's such a Momma's boy. He understands her. They understand each other. And try to comfort one another the best way they can. Then I heard him get up from the corner of the Cali King bed after mom said,

"Thanks, December. I love you."

Happy 4th!!

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