Ch 10: My Ex-Boyfriend-To-Be Crashes the Party

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Tyler and I grow closer, since we seem to be the only sane people in this asylum. We eat lunch together every day, bitching about the corrupt society, and even discussed escape plans that would ultimately fail. Since Kai dumped me, Ty was the only person that could make me laugh and lift my spirits from the dark, smelly cell that they keep me in. 

Believe it or not, Ty and I started learning people's names, their numbers, and what they were in for. To take it further, we made up random back stories for them. Like Old Ruthie. She lived in a run down cabin before she realized that she could overthrow the Institute with her fart bomb. Crazy stuff huh?

Just like any other day, Tyler and I were walking back to our cells for the afternoon count. And with my luck, sure enough, there was Kai, leaning against my cell door. My face melted into pure anger.

"Woah there, Audrey. You doing alright?" Ty asks me cautiously. 

"No. That's my ex-boyfriend-to-be. He tried to fuck me and then ran off." I explain, rage taking over my voice.

Ty shakes his head. "That's some nasty shit right there. I'll call the guards so you two can work it out."

We walk closer to Kai, who's face is stuck in a permanent smirk. "Moved on so quick, princess? Who's the player now, huh?" 

It takes all the willpower in the world to not punch Kai in the face. "Who's the player? You. You are the player, and you're the reason I'm in here. You lied to me Kai. You knew that the Resistance was part of the Institute, and you played me. How could I ever forgive you?" 

"Woah there, princess. Don't jump to conclusions so fast. I didn't know that the Resistance was part of the Institute, it was just a... coincidence. And hey, here I am now, so we're even, yeah?" He cups his hand around my chin. I swat it away.

"Don't you ever touch me again. You have lost my trust this time, Kai. There is no changing how I see you now." I state, crossing my arms. 

"But princess," he purrs, "what about that time we almost... made love?" 

"That was the past. Before you turned into a dipshit!" I scream, lunging at him. Ty grabs my arm and pulls me close to him. 

"Looks like you're the real charmer, aren't you?" Ty jumps in.

"Looks like you're a real fuckboy, aren't you?" Kai fires back. 

"Touche. However, I do think Miss Lockwood has fallen for a quality guy, hm?" Ty replies, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, a quality piece of shit." Kai says bitterly. 

"Enough. Ty, we're leaving." I say, grabbing his arm and leading him down the hallway. Ty stops in his tracks.

"Angel, we've gotta go for count. We can't leave. I'll take you back to your place, and we can meet up after, deal?" He says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Fine." I say grumpily, Tyler taking me back to my cell. 

After the count, Ty and I meet up in the cafeteria. The scientists seem to be done prodding and poking me, so I have free time. 

"I mean, how can he just try and fuck me, dump me, lie to me, and then assume I'll take him back? It's ridiculous, Tyler! He can't be serious. This has to be some cruel joke." I say in between bites of my sandwich. 

"Yeah, I feel you. He seems like a total ass wipe to me. Good thing you left him." He says, picking at his food.

"You okay? You're usually inhaling your food by now." I ask.

"Yeah, I'm just not feeling too great. Showers were cold this morning." He says, poking me. I giggle.

Satan himself trots over to me and Ty, plopping down in the seat next to me. 

"So, princess, how's your stay been?" He asks, leaning in. 

I back up a little. "It was fine until you showed up." 

"Too bad, you're mine again." He crashes his lips into mine, forcing a kiss I don't want. I pull away and slap him. 


I stomp out of the room, Tyler and Kai trailing close behind. They're polar opposites. Kai dark hair, dark skin, and emerald green eyes. He's also a lying dipshit. Tyler on the other hand is tall, muscular, blonde, light skinned, and has these deep blue eyes the color of the ocean...

What a mess. I'm kidnapped by the Institute, my least favorite person shows up, and now it's a huge mess, even though I would take Tyler over Kai any day. 


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