Ch 13: I Swear, The Institute Hates Me

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The next few days passed miserably, barely crawling along. Kai was still being a jackass, trying to get with me every second he got, and I ignored him most of the time. I was still sore about Tyler leaving me in the middle of the night. I never saw him on the compound, never through the glass panes that were scattered along the barren white building. 

I crave Ty's presence, his soft yet strong hands wrapped around me, his sarcastic comebacks, his sandy blonde hair. I miss the feeling of safety, I miss the feeling of having a friend. I miss his gruff voice in the morning, and his deep blue eyes the color of the ocean. I miss him, simply put. 

As I was eating breakfast alone, a familiar girl walked past, dropping something at my feet. I pick it up, it was a small piece of paper. Unfolding it, a smile creeps on my face.

I still love you, Audrey. Meet me by your door. -Ty 

I go to throw my trash away, but Kai swoops in and grabs my ass, making me jump. "Get off," I mutter, elbowing him.

"Baby grew a backbone, huh?" he whispers into my ear seductively.

I push him hard. "What part of get off do you not understand, Royle? I'm obviously not interested! What's your problem, are you jealous?" I accuse, huffing. 

"Jealous, princess? I think you're over selling yourself. Who could be jealous about you?" he smirks. I'll admit, that one hurt a little.

"This is why we're done, Kai. Leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you." I storm off, heading to my bunk, where I am going to meet Ty. 

To my surprise, Ty wasn't where he told me to meet him. Instead, guards were going through my belongings. 

"I don't mean to come off as rude, but what are you doing?" I inquire, hoping they won't be jerks about it. 

"Ah, Miss Lockwood. Patient 165216," a doctor says in a British accent , "so nice to fall in love with one of our soldiers, yeah?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I insist, dying on the inside.

"We had a feeling you would play innocent, however we have our sources." he informs me, showing me a monitor with a video of Ty and I sleeping. 

"Where did you get that?" I shout. 

"That's none of your business. Guards, search her." he instructs, and three guards start patting me down. One of them rips a note from my pocket. He smirks, feeling my ass. I give him the death glare, and he looks back with disgusting lust. 

I 'accidentally' smash the perverted guard's fingers, and he lets out a small groan. 

"Where is Ty?" I ask the British doctor. 

"The capital, my dear. He's closer to Ivory Heliot than you think." 

"Ivory Heliot?" I ask, a confused look on my face.

"Well, I'm surprised you didn't know! She's the one fixing this world. Now, let's get down to business. Guards, solitary for our lovely guest." he orders, and the guards seize my arms, dragging me down the hall. After the stuff that I've already lived through, I'm not too worried about solitary, until they show me my new home. It's a cramped, cold cell, with nothing but a toilet, with no water. I take a deep breath in, and welcome my new home. 

[A/N]: Well monkeys, I survived finals! I am welcoming Winter Break with open arms, except that I will be going to LA for about 5 days, so I'll hopefully update in the middle of that, from my phone (eek). Thank you all so much for almost 1k reads! It means more than I can express. I hope you all have a very fun and safe break, and I'll update when I can! 

xx Savvy

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