Ch 16: We Escape Death

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Most of the trip out of the city consisted of Jason and Zach blasting music from the radio, Adam bitching about how we didn't have any food, Sydney and Cat devising battle plans to take over the world, Tyler trying not to hit any Freneza wandering across the road, and me sitting in the back seat, ducking whenever an Institute vehicle was coming the other way. Granted, Ty worked with a bunch of these people, and we were driving in an Institute SUV, so we were pretty inconspicuous. 

For whatever reason, Heliot was obsessed with finding me. Maybe it was because I knew who she was, maybe it was because I knew about how much trouble Kai was in. Whatever reason it was, my name was spread throughout Korupteco, with any sane person on the lookout for me. We had a few close calls, once when we were filling up gas, once when I was using the restroom, and when I was eating some food, and many more that don't need to be mentioned. 

Everyone took turns driving. Well, everyone except Jason and Zach. They were too young to learn to drive, even though there were only a few beat up cars and some Freneza. Regardless, they stayed quiet, except for the music, and when they were asleep was pure bliss. 

I assumed that Adam and Sydney were a couple, since they always fought like an old married couple. Cat could talk anyone's ear off, and Jasper hadn't said a word the entire time that I had known him. Tyler felt some need to protect me and apologize, since he left me in the Institute much longer than he expected to. It was great having him back, and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

But, all good things have a bad side to them. I was having mild survivor's guilt, since he was still locked up behind metal doors and cold stone, wasting his life away with nasty food and no friends. I had always felt bad for Kai, he had been alone since this whole thing went down to begin with. Tyler interrupts my thoughts.

"Should we settle down for the night?" he asks. 

"Sure. Who's going to take first watch?" I reply. 

"I don't think we'll need that tonight." he says, kissing my forehead. "Turn right in there, Jasper." Jasper turns into a parking garage. We go to the second to top level.

Everyone basically falls out of the car. Zach and Jason play a game of tag, Sydney and Cat stretch out, Adam, Ty, Jasper, and I all start a fire. By 6:30 pm, we're singing campfire songs and eating beans out of a can. We're all laughing so hard that Jason almost pees his pants. Tyler and Adam start jumping around in a gawky manner, dancing and singing awkwardly. For a while, it almost felt like we weren't living under tyranny, and that the world wasn't falling apart with only a few thousand of us left. It felt like we were doing normal teenager things. And for the first time, I felt really safe and comfortable. I liked Cat and Sydney, and everyone was like one big family. 

Eventually, we all settled down. We opened all the car doors and put all the seats down, spreading clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, you name it, it was on the floor of the car. Ty pulled me in close, wrapping his arms around me. The twins were sprawled out like starfish, Syd and Adam were sleeping near each other, but not touching. Weird. Jasper and Cat were both on their own, finding any open spot that they could. Cat, being as small as she was, ended up in the drivers seat, while Jasper slept between Tyler and Adam... Awkward. 

About an hour of talking went by before the twins passed out. Cat was barely hanging on, though her eyelids were drooping. After a while, everyone was asleep. Well, everyone except for me. I laid there, wide awake, anxious about everything that would happen tomorrow. Ty's arms pull me in closer. I let out a sigh. I close my eyes, waiting for tomorrow to come. 

Too early in the morning for me to function, the car lurches forward, almost flinging me and Tyler out of the back. Cat is driving frantically through the empty garage. 

"Cat, what the fuck are you doing?" Adam grumbles.

"I-I saw them. The Institute. They're coming, and they know where we are. They're going to take all of us. We'll never come back!" she stutters. As if on cue, another car, identical to ours, comes swerving into the garage, shooting at us. Zach and Jason both slam the side doors shut. Ty is just waking up, but when he does, he's on full alert, grabbing a small hand gun from his belt and firing at the car. He opens the top hatch of the trunk, shoving me back between the twins, and then slamming the rest of the trunk shut, leaving the top window open for him to fight the assassins. Through the mess, Adam ended up in the driver's seat, which was fortunate because he knew how to operate our SUV. 

We swerve out of the garage, narrowly missing a faded street sign. The other car disappears long enough for Ty to shut the window.

"Everyone alright?" Adam asks.

"I think so," I reply, "why is Heliot so obsessed with finding us?" 

"Well, you know the truth about the Institute's plans, and two of her soldiers went rogue. Nobody ever goes rogue." he explains. 

"How did they find us?" Jason pipes up. Tyler's eyes go wide. 

"Adam, stop the car." he demands. 

"Why?" Adam asks, "They'll find us." 

"Syd, get the medical kit. We're being tracked." he explains. Adam pulls to a stop at a gas station. 

"Audrey, fill the tank. Cat, keep the boys from seeing this. It's not going to be pretty." Adam instructs. As I'm filling the tank, I hear Ty groan loudly. 

"Son of a bitch!" he yells in pain. 

"Yeah, yeah. Stop your whining, it's out. Take the tracker out of the car while I deal with the bigger baby." Syd says, gesturing to Adam. 

"Hey! I am not a baby... OH SHIT!" he says. 

"Shut up, yours is embedded much deeper than his." she replies. 


"It's out. Let's stick it to the Freneza over there." she grins, shoving the trackers down their throats. The gas is done pumping, so I take the spout out of the car and put it back in the holder. 

Before we take off, we put all of the seats back up. Adam and Ty come back with handfuls of stuff that they could grab from the gas station, including a medical kit, drinks, beef jerky, candy bars, and boxes of gum. 

Once again, Audrey Lockwood was on the run.

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