Ch 22: I Make a Gay Best Friend

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"Your progress has been amazing, Miss Lockwood," Dr. Jimenez praises me, "your results came back fertile and we have chosen your mate." 

"Oh yeah?" I ask, refraining from caving his face in. 

"His name is Chad Underwood, we think you will be very... compatible," he tells me. 

"Compatible. Interesting. Say, when do I get to meet this guy?" I ask him nicely, trying to be on my best behavior. It's the only way my plan will work. 

"We think within the next week, there are still a few tests to run on him, we don't need the spread of any STD's. That wouldn't be key to maintaining a nice population here," he explains sincerely. He has no idea what kind of hell I have in store for such a naive dickhead. 

"Thanks for stopping by, but I think it's time for you to go," I say, half demanding and half offering, extending my hands to the door. 

"I think you're right," he tells me, locking the door behind him. I let out a low grumble. I didn't want anything to do with this "repopulation" project, and I just wanted to get back to Cat and Syd, and I wanted to overthrow this place, they were too power hungry to run a broken nation. 

The only good thing that has come out of this is that they are letting us have more freedom. Instead of being escorted from place to place, we're able to walk freely down our hallway, but they still refuse to let me see Tyler. 


That night, I was sitting on my bed, counting the screams of the psycho in the cell next to me. They claimed that these walls were soundproof, but they were anything but. I suppose it's not always quiet in a mental asylum. I got bored after the number was rising rapidly over 100. So I stood up, walking to the corner, and thought. If this wall is ninety degrees compared to the wall adjacent, if I kicked someone's skull in...

But my thoughts were interrupted by the movement of pavement. And Ty popped out from a small crevice under my bed. 

"Don't scream," he instructs, "it took way too long to dig that, let alone hide it." 

"H-how did you get in here?" I stutter, running over to give him a hug.

"Every night I would dress in my sheets and chip away at the floor. That's why I never asked if you were outside during the day, because I was sleeping," he tells me with a huge grin, "I have a plan." 

"Funny, because I do too," I smirk, removing Heliot's card from my sock. 

"How did you get that?" he exclaims, grabbing it to make sure it was authentic. 

I shrug my shoulders in response. "Long story, but I've had to be on my best behavior to get the privileges I have right now." 

"I knew something was up, I didn't hear profanity being screamed. God, Audrey, I missed you," he says, eyeing me hungrily. He pulls me in for a kiss. Oh how much I craved it. 

"We can't, Jimenez is coming in to introduce me to Chad," I tell him, rolling my eyes. 

"Chad?" he questions.

"Yeah, they've stuck me in the 'repopulation unit' as they call it. They're punishing me and forcing me to help repopulate the world. It's ridiculous," I tell him, "in other words, we've got to escape soon."

 "You're telling me," he scoffs, "they stuck me in the food distribution unit." 

"You don't have to go through childbirth!" I smack him in response. Footsteps echo down the hallway. "You should go before you get caught. Visit me again tomorrow night, if I'm still here. 

"Sounds good," he says, pecking a kiss on my cheek, "until then, Audrey." He disappears down the small crevice created under my bed. I have no idea how I'm going to hide that. I grab the sheet covering the bed and place it on the floor, figuring the white will blend in with the white. Right when I stand up, Jimenez struts into my room. 

"What happened to your sheet?" he asks, observing the uncovered mattress. 

"I was getting it washed," I lie.

"Well, we're on our way to meet Chad," he says excitedly, "are you excited?" 

"I hope he's a good distraction," I sneer, "I will admit I've been getting lonely."

"Well good, right this way!" he directs me down the hall. We pass Tyler's room, he's sitting on his bed. I slow my pace just a bit before being hurried along. 


When I pictured Chad, I did not imagine a tall, buff, Kai-Tyler mix. 

"Hey," he says smoothly, leaning against the door.


"Do you mind if I talk to Audrey alone?" he asks Jimenez, who was more than willing to leave us on our own. 

"Not at all, Chad. I'll be back to get you later, Audrey!" he hollers, skipping down the hall. He must get some kind of rush from being matchmaker. 

"What an idiot," he laughs, inviting me in. His room was identical to mine. The only difference was a beautiful creation made from chipped off paint. My jaw drops. "I got tired of looking at the blank wall."

"This is amazing..." I trail off, gaping. 

"It's no big deal. Anyways, let's get down to business," he says, getting serious. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, feeling really self conscious. 

"This is forced. I just met you, you just met me. I have no interest in getting to know you, so what's your plan? You seem too nervous to be happy." 

"My plan? I don't have one, do you?" I ask, backing away a little. 

"Of course I have a plan. I'm not stupid. And there's something you should know," he whispers, looking around, "I'm hella gay." 

"This was destined to fail," I giggle, feeling a rush of relief that Ty wouldn't feel threatened. 

"I guess it was," he laughs, "I'm breaking out tonight. Take the offer or leave it." 

"I'm going to leave it," I shrug. 

"Are you insane?" he shrieked. 

"Keep your voice down. No, I'm not insane. I like having a bed!" I lie. Of course, anyone like me would be more than happy to have a bed. 

"You're lying," he notices, "what's the real reason?" 

I groan. "I need answers, and this place is the only way that I can get those answers. I can't leave until I find them." 

"You're crazier than the lunatic across the hall," he says, "if someone had offered me this a month ago, I would've been all over it." 

"Thanks, Chad. But I don't need a man to help me, I can do this on my own," I huff, stomping out of his room and down the hall. 

"How did it go?" Jimenez pushes. 

"It went fine," I snap, "it's not like I have a say in it anyway! And besides, you were an asshole to me! What happened to that?" 

"You stopped screaming at me, so I thought we were on more of a friendly level..." he explains. 

"Well you thought wrong! There are a lot of questions I have that aren't answered, and you haven't done anything to help me! I need to talk to Heliot. I don't care how, but make it happen." 

"Fine, I'll make it happen," he raises his hands in defeat. 


[A/N]: So I got rid of the Author's note chapter because tbh it's a cluster of authors notes and I know how annoying that is so just bear with me okay I love you little munchkins! -Savvy

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