Ch 21: Goodbye, Institute

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"You can't be serious," I say, "I thought you were going to kill me."

"That can be arranged," Dr. Jimenez says smiling, "but I'm sure you'd rather be in our repopulation unit."

"Repopulation unit?" I ask, thinking of the worst.

"Well we have to repopulate somehow, these tests were to make sure you were fertile," he explains, putting my blood in a cooler.

It takes a few moments for it to sink in. "You mean, you captured me and brought me in here so I could have sex?"

"I'm glad we understand each other. I'll let you know the results as soon as possible," he dismisses me, smiling. I sit dumbfounded on the exam table. Just when I thought that I was having a bad day, it turned worse when Heliot walked in.

"We meet again, Miss Lockwood," she says sarcastically.

"You did this," I growl, "you did this to me!"

"At least you're not delusional like you were when we first met. Who was that boy, Kai?"

"Leave him out of this!" I scream, oddly protective of an... ex?

"I believe I can do whatever I want," she says, glancing at her nails. I sigh a bit too loudly. "Well, you might as well be getting used to being here, so I'll give you the tour." She leads me to an elevator and swipes her keycard. The door opens to reveal a small cavity like the one that I was in when I first woke up. Then it hit me. Everything that I had thought about my waking up could've been wrong. I decided to keep quiet until I was back in my room to think about what happened. The third floor was disgustingly similar to the ward that the prisoners are kept. Directly to my left is a long hallway with windows spaced evenly, exposing curious faces craving human interaction. To my right is the pregnancy ward.

"This is where you'll be spending most of your time," she informs me, smirking. I hated her so much. In the ward were girls who were not showing to girls who were ready to burst. I saw a young girl, no older than 13, standing in the corner clutching her stomach and crying. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I reached up to cover my mouth. "Don't be surprised," she says creepily, "I'm sure your mate will be more than happy to start a life with you." 

"I already have a life with someone," I spat, "I don't need your help."

"So you agree then?" she pushes. 

"No, I completely object, but you seem so determined that it's not worth the breath," I scoff, crossing my arms. 

"I just wanted to show you the pregnancy ward, you'll be going back to your cell now," she smiles, turning to go down the hallway leaving me standing at the window of a whole new kind of hell. I take a deep breath before making my way to the elevator. I didn't get very far before a few guards caught up with me and escorted me back to my cell. I didn't bother saying anything to Ty, he would probably try and do something stupid that would get us into more trouble, if that was even possible. 

I sit down on the bed, letting out a sigh. It was so weird. I woke up from a mysterious coma, meet Kai, kidnapped, escape, meet Ty, kidnapped, escaped, met all of the other wonderful people, figure out the location of a world saving group, and here I am, kidnapped again. I bury my head in my hands and scream at the top of my lungs. I wanted out, I wanted out of this cell, I wanted out of the Institute's interests, I wanted out of all of the drama that was going on in my life. I slowly walk to the small sink, letting the cool water flow smoothly over my dry hands. I wash my face, not feeling any cleaner. I pull my hair out of the messy ponytail that it's in and slowly comb out the tangles before placing it into a bun. 


Hours tick by before I finally have a plan. Granted, it was crazier than hell, but it was worth a shot. There was nothing worse than being used for... breeding. I think back to what Dr. Jimenez said. He told me that I'd rather be in the repopulation unit than dead. If only he knew. 

My plan was launched into action when Heliot walked in the door. "Have a nice time?" she asked, closing the door behind her. 

"Very much," I say with an insincere smile, "I always love the hours that I get to think about my life." 

"Good. I talked to Tyler after you were escorted back here," she says.

"Go on," I say intently, honestly interested. 

"He told me that he would be more than happy to be in our repopulation unit." 

"You're lying!" I yell, getting to my feet. 

"You wish, my dear. It's too bad you two weren't paired." 

"Then who is my pair?" I ask, secretly wishing it wasn't some nerd. 

"I guess you'll have to find out on your own," she tells me, turning to the door. 

"Wait," I say, she turns to look at me, "thank you for the room, Ivory." 

"You're welcome, my dear." 

"Can I have a hug? I really need one right now," I ask her, she looks at me, surprised.

"I suppose," she says, leaning in to give me a hug. 

"Thanks again," I say, not for the room, but for the key card that I just took from her lab coat. Little did she know all hell was about to break loose. Goodbye, Institute. 

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