Ch 15: Beat Some Bitches, Bust Some Ass

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I spent most of my days waiting for Tyler to say something, to assure me it was going to be okay. To my distress, no signs of sympathy were given for several days. But, eventually Ty came through. He gave me a note scrawled on a napkin. 

I'm busting you out of here. I don't know when, but be ready. Love, Ty

My heart skipped a beat. I was dying to feel the air against my skin, and the smell of burning debris in my nose. My moment of quiet was interrupted by feet drumming down the hallway.

"Check on Subject 165216, Heliot has plans for her." someone grunts. Tyler appears at the door of my cell, giving me a wink.

"Up, now." he demands, unlocking the door and handcuffing me. "When I say, you're going to ram your elbow into my stomach as hard as you can. Then, you're going to run. I'll find you. Run into the city, meet me in the building located at 4th and Landon. Don't wait for me and don't look back. Okay? Be brave, Audrey." he whispers, leading me down a hall.

Minutes tick by as he shoves me through hallway after hallway, and I start to think that he has gotten lost. "Now." he says quietly, and I ram my elbow into his stomach with as much force as I can. His grip loosens, and I start to scramble down the hallways, looking for an escape. Other patients are screaming at me to help them. Eventually I find myself in the cafeteria, which has a door outside not too far from here. Alarms are going off, and I can hear guards swarming the building. I spot the door not too far off, and I sprint to try and reach it. I'm just about to open the door when a fat guard blocks my way. 

"Where you going, cutie?" he demands. 

"None of your business." I growl, trying to push past him. 

"It would be in your best interest to be nice to me, or else I might have to call someone." he threatens, placing a hand on his walkie talkie. 

"In your dreams, fattie." I say before kicking him in the throat. He crumples to the ground, making it much harder to get out the door. I ram my body into the glass, since it was locked. There is now a large gash in my arm, along with smaller cuts on my face and hands. 

I gather as much strength as I can and run to the inner city. A few Freneza are meandering through the streets, barely turning heads at my presence. It's not long before I get to our meeting spot. I sit on the corner, trying to work my hands free of my shackles. In the distance, I see a few guards walking down the street. My stomach gets butterflies at the thought of Ty coming to my rescue. I stand up.

"Hey! Stay where you are!" they shout. These people are not Tyler. I dash to the nearest building, clawing my way up the stairs. The bonds on my hands are going to be my downfall. I duck into a closet, waiting for someone to fling open the door and drag me back to hell. To my surprise, nobody opens the door, and I don't hear any footsteps. 

Slowly, I come out of hiding. Closing the door slowly, I walk into the big office building, looking around for any supplies that could be used. Suddenly, someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth. Just when I'm about to let out a scream, a familiar voice soothes me. 

"Shh, babygirl it's alright." I turn around, hugging Tyler through my handcuffs, feeling his warm embrace for the first time in weeks. I breathe in his scent, the smell that I craved so badly. 

"I missed you more than you will ever understand," I whisper, "I thought you weren't coming back to get me." 

"I would never, in a million years, leave you behind. Ever." he promises, releasing me from our hug. 

"I got some supplies!" I smile. 

"That's great, but there are a few people I need you to meet. Follow me." he says, leading me back down the stairs. 

"Wait," I say, extending my wrists, "can you take these off first? I don't want them thinking I'm some crazy person."

"Oh, I almost forgot!" he says, smacking his face. He unlocks my restraints and I kiss him on the cheek. We go down the stairs.

"This is my survival team," he grins, "The twins are Jason and Zach, they're 14. Adam is my buddy from hell, and that's Cat, Sydney, and Jasper. Adam picked them up on the way here." Everyone waves to me. 

"I'm Audrey." I smile.

"Audrey... Like that crazy bitch from the Institute?" Adam asks. He has caramel skin with dark brown hair, and muscles that are decent, but not as great as Tyler's, but I guess I'm biased.

Tyler sighs. "Yes, I suppose she is that crazy chick from the Institute." Jason and Zach are snickering about something.

"What?" I ask innocently. 

"Nothing." they say in unison. 

"Whatever." I giggle. 

"Well, now that we have introductions over, let's get into our ride, shall we?" Tyler suggests.

"I'm cool with that, but first we should give our new buddy over there some decent clothes. Girl, stripes are not your thing!" Cat exclaims, pulling clothes out of her backpack. She shoves them at me. A pair of jeans, a red t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket are in the pile. I frown. "No bra?" I ask.

"Nope, sorry honey. We'll get there eventually. In fact, I think our next stop should be the mall!" Cat squeals, pulling on Adam's arm. 

"Go change. We'll make it there eventually. But for now we have to blend in." Tyler says, directing me to an office cell. I change quickly, bringing my old prison clothes with me. Who knows when we'll need some bandages!

"Great. Now, let's bust out of here." Tyler grins, pulling out my rainbow knife. "Miss this?"

I take it from him. "I did, actually." 

The eight of us charge down the stairs. A random guard spots us. 

"Wait... Who are you?" he asks, pointing at me. Before I can reply, Sydney has already stabbed him, and he's coughing up blood. 

"Well, that's none of your business, good sir." she laughs, kicking him down. 

"I guess..." I reply, dumbfounded.

And that is how we managed to escape. 

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