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{Mi Young's POV}

My heart literally dropped to my stomach. I thought that I saw Taehyung walk in front of us, but if it was him I'm sure he would've said something to me. Right?

"Hyun Jae you think that was Taehyung that just walked by?" I whispered to her "Probably, but wouldn't he have said something?" See! This is why we are best friends we think exactly the same.

"Yeah thats what I thought." I mumbled "I don't know who that was walking with him but he gave me THAT look." Hyun Jae told me with a smirk on her face, flipping her hair. I chuckled at her action.

We grabbed our stuff and walked to my house. On the way home I thought about my past with Taehyung.


"Eomma can I go to the park to play with Tae?" I asked my mom all ready to go. "Yes, but be back before sun down." Eomma said as she kissed me on the forehead. "Yes Eomma!"

I run to the park and when I got there I tried to look for Taehyung. I saw him sitting on one of the swings so I run over to him. "Taehyung!" I called to him.

He had a sad smile on his face. My heart was scared and worried. I sat on the swing next him. "Tae what happened? Are you ok?" I asked him worriedly.

"No Mi Young on Sunday we are moving to America." He said and looked away. "W-why?" I said as my eyes were watering up. I heard him sniffling so I assume he was crying.

"Both of my parents got a good job opportunity over there." He turned around and pulled me in for a hug. He was crying on my shoulder, while I hugged him back crying too.

"What if we don't see each other again?" He broke the hug and asked, staring into my eyes. "Don't worry I know we will some day!" I gave him a reassuring smile and wiped his tears.

He then gave me a necklace and put it on for me. It was a half heart necklace and his necklace had the other half of the heart.

"I -I love you Mi Young."

"I love you too Taehyung."

{End of Flashback}

"MI YOUNG WATCH OUT!" I felt my right arm almost detach from my body. It was Hyun Jae pulling me over "Mi Young are you ok? You almost got hit by a car!"

"Yes I'm fine just thinking to hard. Hahaha!"
"I been trying to ask you something!" She yelled at me "I'm sorry~" I fake cried.

"Mi Young you think that other guy that was walking with 'Taehyung' might have been into me?" Hyun Jae asked me. "I think so, but it seems like you might be into him too." I laughed and started running away from her.

Hyun Jae was chasing me all the way home. We were both out of breath by the time we got home. When I opened the door we both plopped down on the floor.

{Taehyung's POV}

Hoseok let us have a 30 minuet break so Yoongi and I decided to take a little walk. We came across a park so we decided to walk around it.

We saw 2 girls sitting on a bench and I swear one of them looked like Mi Young. We kept walking towards their direction I thought my eyes was playing tricks on me. I did just have a 3 hour dance practice and haven't had any food or drink.

I didn't think it was her so we just walked past them. The girl and I made eye contact as we walked by. Thats how I knew it was definitely Mi Young.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll post the next 2 chapters tomorrow!

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