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{Mi Young's POV}

"Mi Young how will you tell Taehyung?" I put my head down trying not to cry. "I don't even know but I'm not gonna tell him yet." "Mi Young you have to tell him eventually." I know but I just don't have the guts to I don't wanna break his- wait a sec


"Now look, I know a lot about you and you will break my Taehyungs heart soon so just leave him alone." "I dont know what you know but I'm not leaving him so you can stop wasting your time." I was about to walk away when she forcefully turned me around.

"You will leave him alone or else." "Or else what?" "Or I will have something bad happen to you." She smiled and walked away. Was that supposed to scare me?

{End of Flashback}

How did she know that? I pushed that thought away and say my fair wells to Hyun Jae. "Hyun Jae i think I'm gonna head out I'll see you tomorrow." "Ok Mi Young but you better not leave to America without saying goodbye." "I won't, I promise." I gave her a hug and left the café.

I walk to Bangtans entertainment building and they were all in the practice room. When they see me walk in the room I get attacked by all of them. After they let me go Taehyung planted a kiss on my forehead. "Mi Young ah why did you come here?" Jungkook questioned before drinking his water. "No specific reason I just wanted to see you guys." My eyes are watering up so quickly blink it away.

"Thank you for coming Princess after practice I planned on going to your house to see you." He swept his hair back giving me the most seductive look. "W-well now you don't have to." I chuckled nervously but in that moment I mentally smirked. As I walked away I pulled my jeans up giving him a tease knowing that he was eying me all the way to the chair.

I watched them practice and practice, after they finished their last song they were completely exhausted. They all laid on the floor "Good job today Bangtan!" Namjoon yelled.

I sit and lean over Taehyung I wipe the sweat on his forehead with a towel and he put his head right on my lap. I played with his hair and studied all the features on his face. "Taehyung are you hungry I can go to the store and get food for you and the rest of Bangtan." I whisper because I really think he's sleeping on my lap.

I see him nod so I slowly lift his head and put the towel underneath as a pillow. Before I leave I told Jungkook that I'm heading out to get food.

I go to the nearest store and grab 7 packages of ramen. I quickly pay for it and put them in a bag. I walk back to the building and pass a dark alley I feel a hit on the back of my head, right then an there darkness took over me.

I slowly open my eyes and sat up, trying to make out where I was. "Where the hell am I?" I mumbled to my self. It looked like the back of a truck or van. There where 2 doors in front of me i open them and it looked like I was in a alley.

Then I heard something click I look around and see a gun being pointed at me. I tried to figure who the person was holding the gun. I saw the lips and I automatically knew who it was.

"See you should've just listened the first time." "Are you really gonna kill me?" I questioned the girl in front of me. "Yup because you didn't stay away from Tae Tae when I nicely asked you to." "SooJin if you kill me you will hurt the one you love not me." I try to knock some sense into her hard head.

{Taehyungs POV}

"Hyung it's been a while I'm getting worried about Mi Young she only went around the corner." "I know me too, I'm going out to look for her." "I'm coming too." I left the building with Jungkook to look for Mi Young.

We stopped by the store she went to and the clerk told us the direction she left in. We walk in that direction and we find a van blocking an alley. We walk in that direction and listen to the conversation.

"I know those voices." I mumble and peek around the corner to see a scene that I dreaded to see. "I'm sorry Mi Young but you should've took my warning." "Im sorry Jungkook." "Wh-"

{Mi Young's POV}

"I don't care I just want you out of his life for good. Moving to America just isn't enough." How the hell does she know I'm moving to America? "How do you know that?" "Well my sister told me, I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth so I kind of had people spy on you but that's not the point."

"I'm sorry Mi Young but you should've took my warning." I close my eyes and hold my breath preparing for the hit but I didn't feel a single thing. As soon as I opened my eyes that's when i felt pain.

My legs give out, my entire body became numb at that moment. My eyes turn into oceans, water flowing down my face. I can see someone grabbing SooJin and holding her. That's when I snap out of everything. "TAEHYUNG!" I put his head on my lap, my tears falling on his face.

"Taehyung stay with me don't close your eyes. Jungkook call the ambulance!" I say with sobs in between each word. I take of my jacket and put it on the spot he got shot. I put my hands on his cheek and feel a pair go on my face. "Mi Young please stop crying." "How am I supposed to when you are injured badly." I cry even more and plant probably my last kiss on his lips.

"Just hold on a little longer Jungkook called the ambulance." I push his hair back and wipe my tears. I see him nod, slowly i intertwine our hand together and pray.

Shortly after the ambulance came they put him in the truck and let me stay with him until we get to the hospital.


This chapter made me sad but I made I through! I hope you liked it though! And since it's been while since I updated here's two updates for ya :D

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