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{Mi Young's POV}

"Hm I guess Eomma isn't home yet." I walk up the stairs as I'm about to take the next step fall down in pain. "Shit! This has to be a j-"  I couldn't talk anymore when my cramps nearly ate me alive. I try my best to finish walking up the stairs. I change my clothes to something comfortable and lay down hoping it isn't that time of the month.

When I woke up I went to check if the rest of my family was home. Hwan was in his room playing with his action figures and Eomma was in the kitchen. She looked worried to me so I tried to comfot her. "Hi Eomma" I put my had on her shoulder and give her a warm smile.

"Oh Mi Young." "How was school?" "It was good,how was work?" "Good." "Eomma are you ok?" My cramps hit me again so I try to hide that im hurting so she doesn't worry. "Yes Mi Young." She gave me her mother smile and I nodded.

"Eomma I'm going to the store ill be right back." "Ok your food will be in the microwave." I nod and leave the house. I made my way to the nearest convenient store to get more medicine for these stupid, painful cramps.

I find the medicine and walk to the counter to pay for it, but some weird feeling hit me when I passed a girl with long black hair and super red apple lips. I don't know her at all but the feeling was as if I'm going to cross paths with her again.

I come back home and put the medicine in the drawer in my room, then come back downstairs to eat the food Eomma cooked. I had so many different thoughts running through my head, the girl at the store, that suff Eomma said, and Taehyung.

I finish my dinner and head to the bathroom to take bath. I strip and get into the tub letting all my worries and stress fade away.

After a bit of relaxing I get out the tub, put my clothes on and go to downstairs to make a cup of water. "Mi Young you ok?" Eomma ask "Y-yeah I'm fine, just making a refreshing cup of water." I nervously laugh. "Mi Young what happened?" I decide to tell her because I already knew that she knew something is up with me.

"Nothing serious, its just about that time of the month." I sigh in defeat. "Mi Young why did you take so long to tell me?" "I don't know I just dont want you to worry, you looked pretty stressed out lately." "I'm sorry to make you worry Mi Young but its my job to worry about you and Hwan."

I take the water to my room and take the medicine I bought earlier. I wrap myself in the blankets and drift to sleep trying to ignore my cramps.


I wake up in even more pain from yesterday, I don't want to go to school at all but I really don't have a choice I might leave early. I do my normal routine and go downstairs I greet my family and then leave out to the bus stop.

When I get school I go straight to my locker to get my books. Then as usual Hyun Jae greets me there as well as Jungkook. I'm almost drop my books when Hyun Jae pulls me over leaving Jungkook there alone.

"Mi Young did you see Yoongi put his arm over my shoulder yesterday?!" "Well good morning to you too. Yes I literally wrinkled Taehyungs clothes." I chuckled. "Mi Young are you feeling ok you look terrible." she comments "Well not exactly I'm on my period and these cramps are punching me in the face."

While walking to class someone thought it was a good idea to scare the girl on her period. I turn around and as expected it was Taehyung "Good Morning Princess." "Good Morning." when we made it to class Taehyung kissed his hand and put it to my forehead. I assume he did that so it's not that obvious we are dating. I smile and walk into class.

While walking to my seat I could hear whispering here and there. Since I'm in school and Taehyung's mom is my teacher I try not to snap.

I ask to use the bathroom at first she wasn't going to let me go until I explained my situation to her. Three girls walk into the bathroom I look through the mirror and she was right there in front my eyes, the black haired girl with red apple lips.

I look back down at the sink hoping she doesn't recognize me. Since I wore my hair down today I use it to cover my face and grab paper towels. "Taehyung is so hot I'm so happy we are in the same class he will be mine soon. I'm gonna start by getting his number after all years I known him I still don't have his number." He's pretty popular with the girls here.

I heard the bell ring signaling that it was lunch. "Mi Young I need an explanation." "For what?" "The mark that was on your neck the other day!" She raised her tone, I put my hand over her mouth looking around.

"W-what mark?" "Do you really want me to explain it?" She crossed her arms. "W-well Tae came to my house and I think you can finish the rest." She was shocked and had her moving hung open. "No I didn't lose m-" "I know you wouldn't Mi Young."

"Hyun Jae I think I'm gonna make this one early, after this is P.E and you know I'm not gonna make it in my condition so I'll catch you tomorrow." I leave the building and made my way to Hwan's school.


I hope you liked this chapter!

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