Chapter 7: The New Me:

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The next day, I got up and did my normal routine like always. Joe was up stair sleeping. I made sure I was quiet doing everything I need to do and made sure me home was up to par. Then I started breakfast for the both of us and as I cook I clean as well to because sometime I do have my lazy movements from time to time. But I have a guess here and don't want him to think I'm nasty or something. Then I heard a knock at the door and I looked out it was Lily and Naomi at door. "Girl, you going to let us in or you just going to stand there," said laugh so I let them in I hope Joe don't come downstairs. I love my friends but sometime they could be a little ghetto at time and can say the wrong shit. "Good morning,what y'all doing here so early," I said letting them in the house .

"Gurrrlll," Naomi started but I give her look like a don't be loud look.

"Oh, shit I that Joe I see coming downstairs," she said shit I didn't want them to know that was him.

"Yes, it's him and you betta not open your damn mouth and say anything to NO BODY you heard me and that go for you too Lily not a word." i said while I fix his plate and bring it to him up stair. "I'll be back down in a few I'm going to upstairs to bring him his breakfast I'll be back." I said.

"Baby, who downstairs," he said.

"Its just Naomi and Lily baby were just about to leave to go shopping for something me to wear to church Sunday that all." I said leaning over and kissing him.

"Well,here some money I don't my girl spend any of her money on herself." He said pulling out his wallet and given my $4,000 cash. "Go have some fun baby." He also said.

"Thank you baby, I be back soon." I said running to bathroom and put on my clothes quietly and than back down stair.

"Come on let's go shopping," I said making my way to the door.

"Let, me call the taxes." Lily said
"No,need to Joe brought me a car last night." I said unlocking the door and hopping in. My friends just stand looking with their mouth wide open.

"BITCH!!!!!", they both said and then continued "Wow, this is nice." they both said while get in the car.

"Thank you." I said

Then Lily started "I knew he always liked you in college and I want to tell you baby it wasn't my place."she said and I respect her for that because I was in a relationship at the time but not anymore.I he might be the one I said to myself.

Then we made it to the store and I started to look for some church wear.

"Girl,why you giving that." Naomi said.

"Because,Joe invited me to church with him and after dinner his family and first impression is a very big deal for me." I said still looking for the prefix church wear and shoes.

"Are you nerves or something," Lily said.

"Yes, I'm nerves because this is the first time I will be meeting someone family." i said.

"Hold up,what a minute and a few Second, you telling me that went you and Ricky had been together for 5 years and this nigga never ever took you to meet his mom." Naomi said while getting pissed by the second.

"Yes, I we been together 5 years and no I never met his people now let it go I don't care about him anymore. I care about is the man who want to be happy with me and that's Joe. So can you do me a favor stop bringing Ricky sad was name up thank you. I said getting aggravated with Naomi and she wonders why I don't tell her my business because shit like this.

After, we was done shopping we stopped and have lunch and talked back the good old time and than I down them home and I when back home to be with my soon to be boo.

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