Chapter 13

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Last night was amazing to me. I still can't believe that Joe asked my hands in marriage which was special to me because he did something simple and sweet something I like. I noticed that Joe left me and letter and it say.

"Goodmorning beautiful I left for work but I have breakfast and stair for u waiting and also have a nice hot bath water ready for you with roses and a bottle of wine."

💍Love your soon to be Husband💍

Reading this made me feel so special about being his wife now its unreal. Made my way to the bathroom and bath myself after I was done got dressed and took the bottle of wine and put it in the refrigerator to chill then ate my breakfast then grabbed my thing and out the door of work.

Arriving at my shop I seen it was dumb pack full of people shopping which was good for me to see my business booming. I can't wait to expand my business all over the country and ever out country like Paris,France. I thought about planning a fashion show and invited all the big dogs in fashion to come and show their support. Joe stopped by the store to check on me and he ask to take me to lunch. Before I left I let Lily know and to hold down the shop while I'm gone take an hour lunch a be right back she nodded letting me know she was good.

Joe: I stopped by my beautiful soon to wife shop and offered her to lunch. She such a hard working woman and make sure her and family is good. While May and I was eating lunch I seen Noami walked in and mug me but I kept my focused on my beautiful lady that I was about to be my wife and I be damn if that bitch Noami is going fucked up what me and May have. Hoe just mad because I didn't want her slut ass she the one want Ricky and know that they was together but they how jealous hoes are but we all know she want what May have and are so jealous of her. But May don't have to worry about me sleeping behind back with no bitch I'm her man and she my only one and I'm let it been knew this Saturday night. May don't know I have a nice birthday party plan for her and invited all her loved ones I'm make sure it perfect for her and I know deep down she want a fashion show too so as her man I'm surprised her with one and I got connections with all name of fashion that didn't tell about and that when I got to announce to everyone that May and I are getting married.

Also brought her back to her shop I kissed her good bye and hurry back to the house and fixed up for her so she could relax I cooked her favor and ran her bath water then put rose petals on the bed and floor. I set up the table and lit the candle while putting on the slow jam I ran back to the and put out a nice designer dress that she was eyeballing at the store so I bought it for her to show her how much she mean to me and real take care of her til dead due us part and for better or worse I was ready to say them word to her and give her my last name.

May: Before going home I stop by my mom house to see how see was doing. Walking into the house I seen my grandmother and mom sitting in the kitchen watching TV and playing like always.
"Hey, mom and mo mo how ya day?" I said hugging them both while kissing them on theirs cheek

" Good, babe. I heard you got a new boyfriend." My mom said

"Well babe your last she been date that handsome young guy for a while now." My nanny said

My grandmother know everything about everything that goes on though out the neighborhood I love her so much but sometimes she just nosey.
I saw my man and nanny look down at my hands and started to smile.

" So,when can we meet this young man." Ma said

"Soon ma." I replied back

" Well, we having a seafood fest Friday at your uncle Pop's house you and your boyfriend could came." Ma said while putting the food on the fire.

" I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said.

Seafood is my favorite food to eat especially Crawfish I love too eat period.
I said goodbye to my ma and nanny and headed straight home to see my fiance at home cooking for me again and ever since he been staying with me he been cooking like crazy which I don't mind I love his cooking don't get me wrong be once in awhile i would to cater to him so he feel how I feel about him and how I love him.
Joe walked over me and we kissed he asked me about my day and I asked him about his I told him about the little party they have at my uncle Pop's house and Joe agreed to come and meet all my family. So I pulled out my phone and called my mom and told her that we was coming Friday.

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