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Once May was sleep. I decided to clean up the for her, so she wouldn't have to. I know what I did at her family get together was fail but this nigga really got under my skin. How you fucked up something good for a hoe, I know that my boy sister but damn. I said to myself as I was straightening up the living area.

I may sure the house was clean. I sat down and grabbed a pen and notebook and started planning her surprise fashion show from delta to delta. May, was still sleeping and I want to make a phone call to her mom but I'm just wait unit the morning time while she at work. So, I texted Craig and Lily to let them know what my plans is for May then delete the text so she want know that I have something planned for her.

After, that I looked at the time it was almost 6 in the morning. Damn, I tired as hell, so, I got dress and went to the store to grab a few things from the store to cook breakfast,lunch,and dinner for May and other item because I was not planning to leave the house still I'm on vacation for a week.

My vacation is to sure everything run smoothly for my queen. I ask Lily can she get some of her friends to make alot of orders so that she could stay extra busy and I have the perfect surprise for her.

As I made it to the store. I got everything I  needed for the whole day. I checked out all the things I needed and hurry back to the house. For that I could get breakfast started for May before, she wake up. It's was going on 6:30a.m. and May wake up at 8 which give me enough time to cook everything and more. Since,May was a big eater with a nice body figure. She can eat me out of a house and a home and still you look good with a nice shape but don't get me wrong big girls can work there shape too.

I finally pulled up in the parking lot and killed the car. I hurry up and grabbed all the food out the car. I looked around to make sure I have everything because I don't like making more than one trip. Once that was done. I went in the house to set and prepare my food and began cooking my eggs,bacon,pancakes,biscuits,grits,and more. I went to her mini garden out on the balcony and got a white rose with was romantic. I set up the table, with 2 plates,forks,wine glass and napkins. I put the flower in a vase with water and set it in the middle of the table. Then, I fixed her plate and waited until she come down.


As, I was sleepy I could smell the aroma coming from the kitchen. That man know he can throw down in the kitchen. Which was good on my part becaus I love to eat and I'm happy that I got a loving man who can cook and don't mind doing it every day.

I got up and did my daily routine as I do always and then went down stairs to join Joe for breakfast. Once, I made it in the kitchen. I see the table set up and my food on the table ready of me to smash. My stomach was growling like a hunger bear. Joe put my plate in front me and poured me a cup of oj. Then he sat across from me we both blessed our food and I started to eat alot.

The food was delicious as always. I looked at the time and I almost time for me to go to work. I ran back up and put on my work clothes and checked my phone. Lily texts me telling me to come to the shop asap because we have alot of order to fill and lots of clothes to count and be in to the computer.

I grabbed my things and kissed Joe and hurry out the door.

I walked into my shop and it have a line of people to the door ready to place an order. So, I got my assistants to take down all the orders so I can start working on them.

5 hours straight I been putting orders in and it's still more people and plus the online order and the ones at my other shop in at Atlanta. I also have a request from a man name John Blackman from Mississippi to make his fiance a hand made dress and I got an appointment with him and his fiance. My hands is so tired up it's a shame but I can't complain it's good from business and maybe I could expand my clothing store and do my fashion show that I dream of.

I wrapped everything up for the at the shop and put the next 100th order on the side for the nexts morning and started cleaning up the shop Lily and I.

I'm so, ready to go home and hop in the tub and relax and then bed. Because I know how busy it was today. I just pray it don't be to busy tomorrow. I got on my social media business page and put out a memo stating that everyone might make an appointment to see me. So, that  it want be to busy like around here and besides we can watch who stealing or not.

While I was driving home listening to my music all I could think about is my bed and how warm it is with me in it.

I pulled up and park. I was walking up to my apartment I could smell the food coming out from the front door. I walked in and Joe had the food on the stove cooking. He told me that me bath water was ready and to go relax and he'll call me when the food is ready. So, I did just that.

Got in the tub and as the warm water hit my body I relaxed in a deep sleep.

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