1)breaking the day

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I was walking on the school hallway dgn gembiranya.I always like monday (biarpun banyak yg nda suka hari isnin sbb hari isnin was the starter of the weeks,but hey..i have my own reason to like Mondays)

Mostly I was rajin pigi sikul sbb mau jumpa si Donny (hehe).Yup,for your information my dearest friends, Donny is my beloved boyfriend. We've been together like..3 years and a half.

Donny kena transferred dari skola lain.And I have to admit it he was the most gorgeous boy I've ever met.First time mata sya melekap sma dia I was just like:

'Oh God,how can such a beautiful creature ever exist???'

Yeah..time tu sya form 2..Si Donny older 1 year dari sya.Dia form six tahun ni.And he happen to be the elite student (golongan pelajar yg pandai² kakah).

Opps! Kamurang mesti tertanya² sya ni siapa..Ok firstly, my name is Kimberly Xavier Agustin. (I know my name's quite long so my friends prefer to called me Kim or Xavier the most)anyways, I'm 17 years old.Aaand..most important is..

I'm a gay.


Ada masala? It's my life and my story so SCRAM!

And so on..Sya tengah on the way pigi loker sya.Sya sngaja round tu building perdana utk limpas dkat bangun elit (sbb sya mau pok² tingu buipren sya hehe)

I can't wiped that stupid smile of mine bila sya ingat muka boyfriend sya.Gah! His strong jawline,those plump lips with his tall figure and silk hair and..wait! Is that Donny??

Sya berhenti d tengah jalan sambil sya kasi bagus tu strap beg skola sya.A happy grin plastered on my lips.Sya jogging mo p tempat dia


Sya kerut dahi bila nampak ada lelaki lain ikut d belakang dia.Oh mungkin classmate dia..That's what I thought.

Diaorang berenti dkat bilik muzik and talking to each other for a second. Dada sya rasa mcm kena tampar bila sya nampak si Donny usap pipi tu lelaki.it can't be..takkan la si Donny scandal sya..kan??

Sya ikut dorang senyap² dri belakang.Dorg pigi di corner tu hallway.Sya stop lagi.Sya pasti tu kawan dia..cuma kawan..but what the hell are they doing there?

Rasa berbelah bagi mo p tingu dorang atau tida.Tapi sya mula rasa paranoid dgn kelakuan dorang so I decided to 'greet' them.

Dgn langkah yg teragak² sya took turn to the hallway sambil tunduk bwh.Dada sya berdegup kencang mcm mau melatup.Then it hit me..Sejuk satu bdn bila dgr tu lelaki yg ikut si Donny ketawa.

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