7)you're fucking mine

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Today I just bought myself a carton of orange juice and a sandwiches.

Jerry dgn si Victor kluar awal dari skola

"We're going on a date"

Bilang si Jerry.So here I am..Sitting alone like a sad puppy.

I took out my novel written by R.L Stine (my favorite author) and start reading sambi makan.

Then those creepy seram sejuk datang melanda.mcm ada org tengah renung sya ja.

Aah,perasaan sya ja ba tu ..paranoid sangat.

So sya kasi biar and continue membaca.I frowned bila budak tahap 2 yg duduk d meja sebelah rushing lari dri meja durang.

Well that's weird. .

Malas mau ambil tau sya teruskan membaca.Then tall dark shadow casting my book.I blinked and gulped.

Familiar men's perfume hit my nose.

Mason Lee..

I was unable to move.(takut kalau sya begerak tiba² dia tumbuk ka apa ka..sepa tau kan) so I just froze there and  pretend sya nda perasan presence dia.

Pigi kau jauh² sya teda pinjam duit atau berhutang sama kau! Eee! Shoo shoo!

I silently pray supaya dia just leave me alone and go away.

But how wrong I was.


I yelled separuh berbisik bila dia tarik buku sya and kasi ketepi dari sya.

Those hazel eyes towering me again.

What the hell would he do to me?

"Wipe that stupid looks off your face"

What the heck?

Did he just talk to me?

Oh my Fuck lemme die here right now..

"Uh..p-pardon me?"

He smirked.

Then next thing I know is dia duduk atas tu meja sambil berdepan dengan sya.

Tangan sya sedia² suda pigang tu beg skola sya utk lari.

Sya pelan² tarik beg sya then cepat² sya bediri.Belum sempat sya lari si Mason tangkap sya.

What the fuck?

Tangan dia protectively d pinggang sya.Holding me in place just in case sya mo lari lagi.

Sya tengok sekeliling sya then baru sya perasan cafeteria kosong sda teda org.

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