Chapter Six: I should have my eyes checked

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Jade's P.O.V.

My feet are glued to the ground. Even if my brain gave the order for them to move, I doubt they would. Maybe kissing Autumn now was too soon. It's like trying to gain a birds trust. You have to take small steps towards them and make no sudden movements. Anything that happens too quickly will result in an immediate retreat while you watch them fly away, still holding the breadcrumbs in your hand.

My heart stopped pounding in my chest five minutes ago, but my lips are still on fire.

Everything happened so fast. The last thing on my mind was kissing her but then she caught her lip between her teeth and I couldn't help myself.

"What are you doing to me?" Her question resounds in my head.

If I follow up the question with her comment about me being trouble then maybe she was having an internal battle about her feelings towards me. Some part of her wants to be with me but something is keeping her from it. And I don't think it has something to do with me leaving her when the rumors started.



It's an interesting choice of words. Not interesting because she was spot on about me but interesting because she has no idea that she is.

She doesn't know the real reason I left.

My mother didn't send me to the boarding school in London because she found out about me and Autumn, but she did make it clear that she thought we were disgusting. She sent me there because of who I am. So I could learn what was expected of a Royal.

I didn't fit in well with the people at my old school, mostly because they were all 21 or older. To them I was just a spoiled Royal who had an advantage because I activated on my 16th birthday, whatever that means. I didn't feel any different, I didn't look any different, I didn't walk any different. To me I was still Jade Samuels, but to them I was special.

I want to be angry at Autumn for running away, for leaving me there to call after her but that feels like taking the easy way out. I have to figure out why she ran because with Autumn it's always more complicated, always more than meets the eye.

The school halls are empty by the time I leave the boiler room. Everyone is already in second period. I know looking around for Autumn is pointless, because she is long gone by now, but I do it anyway, hoping catch a glimpse of her messy bun.

I sneak out of the school and start walking. The clouds are dark and ominous, with light rain falling. I don't care that by the time I reach Autumn's house I'll be soaking wet. It feels cleansing.

This first rainfall is the indication that summer is finally over. The air should start cooling down and the tree leaves will change color just before it falls. I love the different colors. This is definitely my favorite season.

The rain picks up but all I do is stand on Autumn's perfectly manicured lawn. I feel like stalker, just standing there looking at her front door.


I scan the area. There is nothing but empty streets.

"Pssst! Up here?"

I throw my head back and look up in the tree. All I see is shadow of someone.

"You shouldn't be here."

The voice sounds like Autumn's but there is something slightly different about it. Something I can't put my finger on.

"I know what you are; I know what you did to her. Leave!"

"Who are you?" I ask looking up the tree.

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