Chapter Sixteen: Seriously

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Jade's P.O.V.

I hang up the phone, sliding it back into my pocket. I don't need to look around to know exactly where I am; two blocks from my house. Too bad that's not where I'm heading.

I walk deep into the forest, settling by a tree next to the mountain.

It doesn't take long for Mrs Reed to show up. Her face clearly that of a person in panic.

"How sure are you that he is her grandfather?" she asks, not even bothering with pleasantries.

"I can't be sure; I don't even know what the guy looks like. But I heard him say it."

"It could've been anyone for all we know, an impostor. The Fairy King hasn't left our world since the day he found out about Autumn."

"He had snow white hair, a long nose, a small mouth. Said his name was Orin." I offer, in hopes of being helpful.

"It's really him?" She asks instead of confirming. Her legs buckle underneath her. I catch her just before she hits the ground and place her down softly. I wait for several moments for her to wake up. Growing a bit impatient, I tap her cheek lightly.

She comes to, sitting up, resting on her hand for support.

"We need to get to her before he does. God only know what he'll do if he gets her alone."

I help her up and walk out of from behind the clump of trees. I'm trying to be strong but the feeling of impending doom keeps washing over me.

"If I knew we needed to go Autumn's house, I wouldn't have waited for you so deep in the forest," I comment.

"It's a good thing I came with my car then," she dangles her keys in the air.

She presses a button and the car beeps, indicating that the doors are unlocked.

I get in, buckling my seat belt.

We pull up in Autumn's driveway and enter into the house without even knocking. The house is oddly quiet, making us fear that the worst has already happened. We both run up the stairs, barging into Autumn's room like we're the FBI or something.

Autumn's room is turned upside down, it actually looks worse than mine. Something I didn't think would ever be possible. Her books are laying on the floor, along with her broken iPod dock. Her desk chair laying in smithereens, next to her bathroom door. My heart beat rises to my throat, throbbing at an insane speed. What makes the whole situation look ten times worse is Autumn's father. He is sitting on her bed with his head buried in his hands. He didn't even bother looking up when we kicked open the door.

"Jake, where is Autumn?" Mrs Reed asks.

He finally looks up, wiping at his bloodshot eyes.

"I don't know," he drops his head again.

"What happened in here? Is Autumn okay?" I scan over the room once more.

"Okay? I don't know. Furious? Definitely," his voice comes out muffled from speaking into his hands.

"I came home hearing a racket up stairs. Walked into the room, watching Autumn shove her chair into the wall. Picking up the photo," he motions to the picture on the bedside table, "getting ready to smash that too."

Mrs Reed's upper eyelids slant downwards, and so does her mouth. I'm too worried about Autumn to care about her hurt feelings.

"What happened then?" Feeling my patience grow thin at how long it taking him to finish this story.

"Then she asked me about her mother being alive. I tried to console her but she was having none of it. She jumped up and left through the window before I could even think of stopping her."

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