Chapter Seven: Just to get you out of my head

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Autumn's P.O.V.

I lean my face into my hand that is rested on the table, day dreaming exciting thoughts about Sally and imagining how she would react to them, while Sally is chatting away about chemistry or science or something. I don't know why I haven't made a move yet aside from the fact that Jade is burning in the back of my mind, telling me that Sally is a wonderful distraction and that is all she'll ever be. I silence those thoughts and focus on the brunette before me. Just looking at her full pink lips is enough to make me wonder if she is a good kisser. She is so cute when she presses her glasses in the middle of the frame just to make sure they are where they should be.

Jade pops back in my mind along with all those wonderfully painful memories that I swore I'd forget. I try to push it away but this time it doesn't work. It's as if she is right in front of me.

I look up at Sally who is still rambling on, never even noticing that I haven't been paying attention at all. As if feeling my eyes on her only now, she stops mid-sentence and stares back at me. Before I give myself time to over think things, I press Sally down on the bed and straddle her waist. I lean a bit forward and cage her face between my arms. Her eyes don't leave mine once. She doesn't dart them to my lips or any other part of me for that matter.

Swirling behind her orbs is excitement and a little fear. She's waiting for me to kiss her. And I want to, but only for my own selfish reasons. Yeah I may have imagined this moment over and over since developing this little crush I have on her, but this time it was more to help get Jade off my mind.

It doesn't work though because the closer I bring my lips to hers the clearer I can see Jade.

I sigh loudly and then push myself off of her. Sally doesn't seem too pleased by my actions but she doesn't say anything.

"I have to go," I don't give her a reason why.

Sally grabs my hand bringing me to a stop. Instead of saying anything she looks into my eyes, searching them. She then releases her grip on me and looks away before I can read her expression.

I sneak into Jade's bedroom through the window and see her lying on her bed only wrapped in a towel. She has one earphone in her ear and I can tell that she was too distracted to even notice me enter. My eyes roam over her smooth pale legs and then back up to her wet hair. Her eyes never leave the ceiling. I steal a quick glance at her almost exposed cleavage taking as much advantage of this moment as I can. Pervert, I know but I'd be lying if I said she wasn't beautiful. But if I really had to be honest with myself I wasn't just attracted to her outer appearance. She stole my heart with her kindness, her intelligence, her sense of humor, how humble she is and her selflessness, among other things.

I clear my throat.

Clearly surprised, Jade swiftly sits up, her back pressing against the wall. She tugs on her towel.

"Autumn?" Jade says looking perplexed. Her cheeks take a red tint.

I don't know what to say to her. I don't have a reason to be here other than the fact that I wanted to be near her, because my mind wouldn't allow the distance.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, removing her earphone from her ear.

If it wasn't for that stupid kiss in the boiler room I probably wouldn't be here right now. I'd be macking out with Sally, forgetting all about her.

"I'm not sure," I lie, hoping that she can't tell.

After my little episode at home, my dad suggested that I should not tell Jade about my secret. He says that it might be some kind of defense mechanism that my Fairy side is implementing to protect me from her. That or I may just be the strongest Fairy his ever heard about.

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