Chapter Twenty-Five: The truth revelaed

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Chapter Twenty-five: The truth revealed

Autumn's P.O.V.

Just as my mom said, there is a little bakery down the road from her house.

I enter and a little bell sounds. I look up to see it dangling just above the door.

"Cute," I mutter. It's a little old fashioned but still cute.

The smell of freshly baked bread hits my nostrils and I inhale deeply. You gotta love that smell.

I browse around a bit. Racks of bread and buns surround the inside of the store walls. There are assorted pastries on tables, in the center of the shop, covered by glass lids and a counter with a small blue cash register. An old lady with blazing red hair smiles at me and then continues with some sort of paper work. Everything about the bakery is old fashioned, not just the bell. Now that I think of it, crossing the threshold felt more like crossing the time line. Goodbye 2020 and hello 1950 or something.

I turn around and see a big mirror right across from the counter. It seems out of place, thus shattering my time travel illusion.

The alluring donuts call my name and just as I am about to order I remember that Jade won't eat anything I've seen in this shop.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you by any chance sell anything healthy to eat?"

The displeasing look on the old lady's face answers my question and I continue my browse. On closer inspection by the bread racks I see a variety of muffins so freshly baked that the steam is still exuding off it. My mouth waters.

Chocolate chip, lemon, savory, blueberry, multi-grain.

"May I please have three blueberry muffins?" I ask the old lady. She gets up and walks right up to the muffins. She places a plastic glove over her hand and bags my order.

I really hope Jade considers this eatable; otherwise I just wasted a trip.

I hear the bell sound again but don't care to see who walked in. I plan on getting home while these bad boys are still hot.

I hear a clank and then everything fades to black.

Everything is a little blurry when I open my eyes. The tables look like they're revolving around me. I close them in hopes of refocusing.

Inanimate objects are no longer moving when I open them once more. But I can't move. I'm tied up. I bounce the chair up and down a few times in an attempt to break free but to no avail.

I see the back of my assailant through the mirror as he drags the old lady behind the counter. My heart beat speeds up and I can't believe my eyes when I see his familiar face pop up from behind the counter. He pushes his hair back and smiles in my direction. The type of smile that makes your blood run cold.

A single tear runs down my cheek as my heart breaks into a billion pieces. I no longer try to escape. I sit in the chair as he disappears to the back of the store. I have no fight left in me. Only betrayal.

Knowing these are my final moments I let the memories of Jade envelope me. I think about our first kiss, our first dance, our first fight. The first time she said she loved me. I think about our bond and if it only lasted a day longer on my side, then at least I could say goodbye.

Then as if the universe hears my plea, I catch a glimpse of her trying to enter my mind. Without giving it two thoughts I allow it. I keep repeating 'I love you', hoping that she can hear me. And as suddenly as I could feel her, I no longer sense her presence.

Stupid bond!

"It won't be long now my dear, another half hour and your abilities will be mine."

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