Chapter five: Trouble

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Autumn's P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open after a dreamless sleep. A feeling of belonging settles deep within me. A smile actually spreads across my face. There was no little Autumn, frightened to death, no big bad guys breaking down the door. No mom with glazing eyes filled with terror. Nobody being carried away like a corpse. Just a peaceful night's sleep. And I always love waking up refreshed, however little it happens. I turn my eyes away from the ceiling.

Pure adrenaline rushes through my body. I don't think my little heart has ever worked as hard as it is right now. I clench my eyes shut. It's just not possible I repeat in my mind. When I open my eyes and still see the auburn hair, I lift my wing off of her slowly. Jade stirs a little and I freeze, holding my breath as if it's going to make all the difference in the world. When she settles again I'm out of that bed faster than the Flash. I lock the bathroom door behind me.

I don't remember Jade staying the night but then again I don't remember her leaving either.

I pace up and down in my tiny bathroom trying to recall what happened last night. My wings knock down the glass I use to rinse my mouth out with, after I brush my teeth. It shatters on the floor. Once again I'm keeping my air inside my inflated lungs waiting for Jade to say something about the racket. When I don't hear her voice I exhale. A knock so soft I almost think I imagine it, solidifies me in place.

"Is everything okay in there?" Jade's voice is still a little groggy from the sleep.

"Uh... Yeah just give me a sec please," I quickly pick up the glass pieces as best I could, before sweeping the tiny shards into the corner for now.

I splash my face with some cold water. The purple eyes staring back me feel unfamiliar. I've grown use to staring into the steel blue, I change them into.

Usually when I fall asleep in human form I stay in human form. I've been able to control my changings since I could walk. It doesn't make sense that I have trouble now. Maybe Jade is the reason why. I mean the first time did happen right after I inhaled her familiar fruity smell. Or maybe it has something to do with me turning eighteen, which is only two months away. Surely my mom must've warned my dad about something like this.

I remember singing a song that has been stuck in my head since I found out Jade was back. It summed up exactly how I felt. Then I heard something stir on my roof. I somehow already knew it was Jade even before I looked outside. A sly smile played on my lips when I saw Jade fall back because I gave her a good scare. She asked me to finish the song. At first I wasn't sure if I should because I knew just singing it to get it out of my head was different than singing to the person who made you feel like that. But Jade's eyes were pleading and I gave in. Then everything gets fuzzy because there were too many emotions swirling through me. All I remember after that is Jade picking me up and lying me on the bed.

I focus on pulling my wings back in my skin, but nothing. My eyes don't change to blue either. Anxiety builds in me. What the hell is going on with me?

"You sure you're okay? You've been in there a while." Jade points out.

"I'm fine, just getting ready for a shower." I turn on the water to make my lie believable. I guess I am a little like my father. Still standing in front of the mirror I focus on changing the color of my eyes.



Zilch. I wipe the steam off the mirror to see my reflection better.

Not a thing at all. My purple eyes stare hauntingly back at me.

I decide to take a shower after all, before the morning events turn me into a complete stress ball.

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