Chapter Eighteen: It's like your pouring salt in my cuts

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Jade's P.O.V.

Every bone in my body aches. Every muscle is tired. I enter my bathroom and splash cold water on my face, hoping it will help hide the fact that I've been crying until my tears ran dry. And then some.

I'm exhausted from walking around all night. When Mr Reed returned to the car, the look on his face was indication enough that Autumn was no longer in Sally's home. So instead of waiting around to hear if either of them had a new game plan, I started walking. Mrs Reed caught up with me but I asked for some space. I needed to be alone to wallow in my guilt. This was all my fault. If I didn't call Autumn's mom while I was still in the car she wouldn't have freaked out. She wouldn't have gone running to Sally, she wouldn't have kissed her but more importantly she would be safe. I know she is still alive, I can feel her heart beating, racing. What I can't feel is if it's beating so fast because she flying or if it's beating so fast because she's scared.

I'm about ready to collapse on my bed, and it looks more inviting than normal but I know if I even as much as sit on it; I won't have the energy to get up again. All I want to do is go looking for Autumn but I know that will only raise suspicion from my mom. And I think it better if she did not know what I was up to last night. Plus I have to avoid being seen before I leave for school because my crutches are still in Mr Reed's car.

I enter the school through the large double doors, thankful that the only person I bumped into at home was Ace. It was a literal bump and because of Ace's big muscular build I fell flat on my ass while he just stood in the hallway laughing.

I go over to my locker and scramble around for my French text book, upon pulling it out I sense Autumn's presence. Looking up I catch sight of her, just as she enters the school, in all her magnificent glory. I can't put into words how happy I am to see her. Her gorgeous features sweep me away but as she gets closer I can see that she too has been up all night. Her eyes are puffy with dark rings underneath and her hair is in her infamous messy bun. When she sees me she smiles but it quickly falters as I feel her guilt swoops through my insides as if it was my own.

She stops herself in her tracks and just stares at me from the little distance that is left between us. I can tell she is having an internal struggles as to whether she should approach me or not but I can't help but feel as if there is more to the story. God I wish I could read her mind. After several moments she shakes her head and continues in my direction.

"Hey, can we talk?" she leans in to embrace me but then decides against it.

"Yeah sure," I go in for a kiss before I can stop myself but she turns her face and my lips land on her cheek.

She opens her mouth to say something but the bell cuts her off causing her to groan.

"Let's skip first period and go the boiler room," her eyes plead.

I open my locker and shove my text book back in. I'm the first to start walking. I have look back to make sure she is following.

We enter the gray room and I take in the metal pipes that surround us. Autumn closes the heavy door and then joins me down the stairs.

"I have a lot to say so if you don't mind I'd like to finish before you say anything," she darts her eyes up and down my body and if I didn't know better I'd say she was checking me out. But I know that she is too vulnerable to meet my gaze.

I nod my head.

"I'm guessing you already know what I did because of our bond but I still feel like I have to tell you," she pauses until she finally captures me in one the most intense stares she's ever given me. I try to swallow my hurt feelings, but I can already feel my eyes burning from the tears lingering in them.

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