Chapter Twelve: Air quotes, it's my new thing

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Jade's P.O.V.

I step out of the bathroom, feeling the fresh air wrap around me. I except to see Autumn still fast asleep in the bed, because the girl loves her sleep. But she isn't there. I go downstairs only to find her dad with a Harry Potter novel in his hand. I'm quite taken by the sight because I'd never have guessed him to a reader. When he hears me enter, he folds a small corner of the top page and closes the book. Giving me his full attention.

"Autumn went for a walk, said she'd be back in a little while." He answers my unasked question. I stand there awkwardly, shifting my weight between my heels and my toes.

"Sit, have something to eat," he motions to a chair.

I take the seat he was pointing his hand to, picking up a few pancakes and placing them in the empty plate in front of me. He pushes the syrup forward. I pick it up nervously, practically drowning my pancakes in it. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have even attempted to put pancakes in my plate, because they are filled with so much sugar and flour, but then again these aren't normal circumstances and I don't want to insult Mr. Reed, seeing as he is the person who made these.

"So you're Autumn's girlfriend?" He raises his eyebrow, indicating that is was more of a question than a statement. I shift nervously in my seat because Autumn and I haven't really discussed this topic ourselves, plus I wasn't really ready for the 'you're dating my daughter' interrogation.

After swallowing a mouthful of the sweet sponginess, I answer him, "we haven't really discussed the details of our relationship." I play with the hem of my shirt, too afraid to make eye contact.

"I know this going to sound somewhat cliche but I feel like it needs to be said," he says leaning a bit forward. I already know what he is going to say but I wait for him to say it anyway.

"If you hurt her, I'll make your life a living hell."

And there it is. The 'don't hurt my daughter or else' phrase. What is with me and the air quotes today. If only he knew that my life is already a living hell, there isn't much he can do to make it worse.

"So you're cool with the fact that we're both girls?" I can't help but ask.

"I think cool is the wrong word. It's strange for me, but what can I do, she is my daughter and I love her."

"That's more than I can say for my mom," I mumble. I'm a little envious of this part of their relationship. But that doesn't change the fact that he still gives me the creeps.

Once it's clear that the conversation is finished, he picks up his book again, searching for his self-made bookmark.

I eat my breakfast in silence, awkward silence.


I've been listening to Autumn's iPod for the last hour. Practically checking the time every minute, wondering where she is.

I draw the line at an hour fifteen and start putting things back in their place. Autumn is a bit of a neat freak so I can't leave everything scattered like I would if I was in my room. I don't really want to go home since my conversation with my mom earlier, but it beats being a sitting duck, waiting for Autumn to grace me with her presence.

I say goodbye to her dad and start walking home. Sensing Autumn is near I look up and see a small dot fly across the sky. There is no way that's her. I shake my head. But end up looking again, only to see nothing.

Now I'm no genius and I'm not sure how everything works in the Fairy world, but isn't flying in the broad daylight a little risky.

I enter my house, ignoring all the narky comments my mom is throwing my way and slam my door shut. I dig around in my room looking for my phone. If I had a little more structure in my life I wouldn't spend half my life looking for things. I chalk it up to the fact that it's easier to look for things than to tidy up, but let's face it. I'm lazy.

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