Chapter Fourteen: Feeling the exact same way

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Jade's P.O.V.

"What are you doing? Drive! I'll meet you at home!" Autumn shouts, motioning, what I think is supposed to be a bird, with her hands, the one they teach you to form in kindergarten. I nod once, understanding perfectly, then I put the car in first, letting go of the clutch so fast that the car spins away. I'm glad she parked the car so the trunk was facing our picnic, making it an easy getaway for me. A knot forms in my stomach and I look in the review mirror. I don't see anything but dust. I feel guilty just leaving her there so I turn the car around to go back.

I squint my eyes as a means to see better as I wait for the dust to settle. I'm horrified by the sight in front of me as the man with the cap has her pinned down and the other is ripping off the buttons from her shirt. Exposing her blood red lace bra. He forces his mouth onto her. I cringe, not willing to witness the events unfold.

"Fuck," a gruff voice says pulling my eyes back up to watch him stumble back, holing at his mouth. I put the car in neutral, and leave the engine running. The guy that is pinning Autumn down frees one hand to slap her across the cheek. Her face ricochets to the trees. I feel the sting myself burning on my cheek as if he just slapped me.

"Hey assholes!" I call, distracting them long enough for Autumn to free her arm. The man with the stubble starts coming towards me. She punches the other one, twice, before he stumbles back, giving her the space needed to stand up. Autumn bends down on one leg, the other sweeping across the floor, under the gingers feet, knocking him to the floor. The thud makes the man, whose mouth is now bleeding turn around, swinging a punch to Autumn. She dodges it like a pro and swings a punch of her own. The sound of her knuckles connecting to his face is all you hear, causing the man to take a step back.
"You'll pay for that, lessbo," he spits, red falling to the floor in a glob form.

He tackles her to the ground. I run towards the chaos and jump on the man's back. The quick touch of her hand gives me the strength I need to successfully pull him off Autumn and onto myself. His body landing on mine knocks the wind right out of me. I gasp for air, not sure what is going on. Next thing I know the man who landed on me isn't anymore. I get up to see Autumn, who is now for some unknown reason her Fairy self, giving him a few kicks to the gut. When the other man she tripped gets up, she grabs my hand and we're both running for the car.

Autumn reverses the car like a pro-driver on the small dirt path. One of the hunters picks up his gun and aims it at us. I close my eyes just waiting for the pop, but nothing. When Autumn turns the car around, in her angst she spins it too, throwing the quilt to the back seat. I didn't even see her pick it up.

The only thing I'm able to hear, is Autumn's ragged breath escape her lips as we turn off the dirt road and back on the main street to town.

Her violet orbs don't leave the road, and I know even without looking them that the wheels are turning behind them. She tries to cover her underwear with her ripped shirt but it just keeps falling open.

"Are you okay?" I finally ask placing my hand on her shoulder. She doesn't say anything.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to; at least just take you human form before a car passes us."

Autumn snaps her head towards me, her eyes wide apart and her mouth slightly agape, "When did I change?" her surprised expression turns into confusion.

She focuses her eyes back on the road.

"Somewhere around the time I jumped on the one guy's back and pulled him off of you."

Autumns wings seem to disappear into thin air and her pointy ears, round perfectly.

"So they saw me?"

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