🌹The Sun Before the Storm🌹

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Hey guys!

I have missed you all so damn much. I am so sorry I've been away for so long. I've been meaning to upload this for like a month now, but have not had the time☹️

However, I'm back now and ready to bring you the intro to my brand-new book! I am so, so excited for this one. I think you guys will like it better than I Wish For A Better Life. This has drama, heartbreak, suicidal thoughts, PTSD and of course, romance. (It wouldn't be one of my books without it(; )

I just want to warn you now that I don't know how often I will update this book. It shouldn't take more than a month or so, but because I'm juggling work, school, tutoring and 4 clubs, it's difficult for me to make time to write.

I truly hope you understand and will still read this book(:

Without further ado, enjoy the intro!

Word Count: 980


*3rd person POV*

Harry and Aden have been together for almost two years. Throughout that time, they've made some wonderful memories together. They've had their ups and their downs as every couple has, but they always found a way to make it through. However, they did not have such a beautiful beginning.

At the start, Aden refused to go public with the relationship. His dad is homophobic, and he was terrified of him finding out. He also feared being bullied for being gay at school. This deeply hurt Harry's feelings because he thought Aden was ashamed of him and what they shared together. In fact, when Harry finally couldn't take it anymore, he told Aden he wanted to, at least, show PDA at school. Otherwise, he'd be forced to break up with him. Despite his intense fears, Aden knew he couldn't lose such an amazing person, so he agreed, and everything blossomed from there.

Surprisingly to Aden, most of the students were very accepting of their relationship. Their friends, Niall, Liam and Louis were especially excited for them and went on about how they knew it all along that they'd end up together. Their relationship continued to bloom beautifully after that. They'd even confessed their love for each other just a year later.

Now, Harry is worried because Aden will be graduating soon. Being only 16, Harry has two more years of high school left and is afraid of being forgotten by his 18-year-old boyfriend. Aden assured him that nothing would change between them, but Harry isn't so sure. He knows that long-distance relationships rarely work out and he's afraid theirs won't. It's not that he doesn't have faith in their relationship, but they've never spent that much time apart, and he thinks he won't be able to handle it.

Nonetheless, he's hoping for the best and is trying to spend as much time as he can with Aden before he leaves. At the moment, he's watching End of the Fucking World on Netflix as he waits for his lover to text him back. He's a bit concerned because it's been a while since he sent the message. Aden normally responds pretty quickly; this isn't like him.

"He just fell asleep. He's fine. He's not ignoring me. Nothing bad is happening. It's fine," Harry thinks as he attempts to reassure himself.

Just as he's about to send another message to his boyfriend asking if he's okay, he receives an incoming call from his best friend, Louis. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, wondering why he's calling him so late. Harry immediately picks up, hoping it's nothing serious. Though, he has a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that it's nothing good.

*Louis' POV*

"Hello?" Harry answers after the second ring, sounding incredibly puzzled.

"Harry? I need to tell you something. It's about Aden," I sniffle, trying to stop the tears that continue to inevitably fall down my face.

"Is he okay? Is something wrong?" Harry asks frantically, obviously hearing me cry.

"Unfortunately, no. I-I, um, I just heard a gunshot. It came from Aden's house..." I trail off, choking out a sob as the next words become harder to form.

Harry remains silent, waiting for me to continue. Although, he can probably see where I'm going with this. I can barely muster up enough courage to tell him. I know I'm about to break his heart, and I can't stand being the one that has to do it. However, I know he'd hate me forever if I didn't tell him right away.

"I called the cops as soon as I heard it. They just arrived a few minutes ago, but they told me what happened. I'm so sorry b-but...Aden was shot by his father. He d-died instantly," I finish, letting the tears flow freely this time.



What do you think of their relationship? Would it have lasted if Aden had gone to college? What do you think of the news of Aden dying? How he died? How do you think Harry reacted? How did Louis hear the shot?

I really hope you guys liked this intro. I'm sorry it's a little short, but I didn't want to give away too much.

Please remember that I will do my absolute best to update this as often as I can, but bear in mind that I have a lot on my plate right now, especially with college coming up.

Thank you for reading my intro! I hope you'll read Chapter 1(:

[Dedicated to -guccigangstyles for making the cover and being my #1 supporter on Wattpad. She gives me so much encouragement to continue writing. She's always the most excited for my new books and is incredibly supportive. She's very patient and understanding when I'm unable to write. I just love her so, so much❤️❤️❤️]


[Book Cover credits to -guccigangstyles ]

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