🌹Chapter 5🌹

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Hello, my lovely readers!

How has everyone been? I hope summer has been fun for you all so far.

I'm so happy for you guys to read this chapter. It's my longest one yet!

There's a lot of dialogue, but I'm very happy with the way it turned out(:


Word Count: 5188


*Louis' POV*

*the next morning*

Harry has already broken down in tears three times this morning, and we haven't even left for the funeral yet. He's obviously still devastated over Aden's death, and he's having a hard time accepting that he has to see him get buried today. I've tried to comfort him as much as I can, but my efforts only calm him temporarily. Hopefully, once we get through the funeral, he'll feel better and finally get the closure he's been needing.

I offered to attend the funeral with him since his mum doesn't seem to want to support him. He asked me repeatedly if I was sure I wanted to go with him, admitting that he feels like he's a burden to me all the time. I assured him that he's anything but a burden and that I'd love to go with him. Aden was my friend, and I want to say goodbye to him, too.

Right now, we're stopping by his house briefly to grab his suit. I've already dressed myself in my own suit so that we could go straight to the funeral and he could avoid spending more time with his mum than he has to. I still can't believe she would treat him like that. Harry is very fragile and needs her more than ever right now. Why would she choose now to be petty and abandon her son in his time of need?

"I'll be right here waiting for you. If you want to avoid seeing her, you can just run up and grab the suit then come right back. I don't mind stopping somewhere else for you to change," I tell him worriedly, wanting to avoid having his mother upset him even further.

"Are you sure? I hate to have us make any unnecessary stops," he frowns guiltily, wiping away the tears left on his cheeks from crying earlier.

"Of course I'm sure. Don't worry about it, Haz," I whisper, squeezing his hand delicately.

He gives me a small smile before opening the passenger door and stepping out of the car. I watch him walk into his house, immediately feeling unease fill up my chest. His mum better keep her mouth shut and just let him go to the funeral. He doesn't deserve to feel any worse than he already does.

To my immense relief, he returns only a moment later with his black suit in his hand. I feel my unease melt away as he sits down in the passenger seat, clicking his seatbelt into place. However, he doesn't look like his mood has improved at all, not that I can blame him. I truly wish I could take all of his pain and heartbreak away. He doesn't deserve it at all.

"Are you doing any better, Haz? Your eyes are so red," I sigh in concern.

"I've been crying all morning. How do you think I'm doing?" he sasses me, sniffling quietly.

"I understand. I'm so sorry. You sure you can do this?" I ask, not wanting him to go if he can't handle it.

"Yes. I need to say goodbye to him," he nods positively.

"I understand," I repeat with another sigh, stroking the back of his head with my free hand while I drive with the other.

"Thank you for coming with me. I can't do this alone," he admits sadly.

"I'm always here for you, Hazza," I smile, moving my free hand to hold his.

He smiles weakly at me, asking if we can stop at a gas station so he can change. I agree with ease, pulling up to the nearest station. Harry thanks me once more, running into the mini mart to ask where the restroom is. He comes back a few minutes later with his suit on. He looks so good, and I can't help but stare at him a little. I stop myself, though, knowing it's not the time or place for that.

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