🌹Chapter 9🌹

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Hello, my wonderful, lovely readers!

I hope you're all doing well(:

I really hope you like this chapter. It's a special one for Larry(;


Word Count: 4677


*5 months later*

*Harry's POV*

"Pretty cool, huh?" Louis asks me, holding my hand as we walk inside of the arcade that is located in the adventure park he took me to.

"Yeah, I love it. Thank you for suggesting it for our date," I smile at him.

"Anytime," he smiles back. "What do you want to eat? I'll go get us a table," he offers.

"Pizza, please," I request politely.

"Okay, I'll be back," he replies, kissing me on the lips quickly before heading into the long line at the concession stand.

I reserve a table for us in the back corner, placing my foot on the seat next to me to save it for Louis. Meanwhile, I play a game on my phone as I wait for him to return with our food. Whilst I'm waiting, one of the employees approaches me, standing very close to my seat. I look up at him in confusion, wondering why he wants to talk to me.

"Good afternoon. Could I offer you something to drink or some snacks. A new boyfriend, perhaps?" he winks cheekily.

"Oh, um, no, thank you," I answer, shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

"You're very attractive. Here, let me give you some game passes," he presents me with a handful of passes from the pocket of his jeans. "Maybe you and I could have a little fun after my shift," he smirks. "I'm Danny," he adds.

"Thank you, but I'm not interested. My date will be back any minute," I inform him, looking around for Louis unsuccessfully.

"Oh, so someone else stole you?" he hums in amusement. "That's not a problem. I don't mind having a little piece of you to myself. You have a lot to offer," he winks, scooting closer to me.

I immediately slide away from him, not wanting to be anywhere near him. Danny obviously isn't the type to take no for an answer. However, even if I weren't already taken, I wouldn't be interested in him. I don't like when people are pushy and don't respect that you don't like them in that way. Luckily, Louis always respects me and is very patient with me.

"I told you I'm not interested. Please go away," I plead, trying to be as nice as I can.

"Come on. Just a little peck or touch at that plump bum. Innocent!" he groans insistently.

"No! I'm not cheating on him!" I gasp, appalled by his insinuation.

At the perfect moment, Louis comes rushing over with our pizza in his hands. He glances between us with a confused expression, trying to assess the situation. I mentally thank the universe for saving me from this creepy man who won't leave me alone. Maybe seeing me with Louis will convince Danny to admit defeat and go bother someone else.

"What's happening here?!" Louis exclaims, feeling completely puzzled.

"He wants me to be with him," I answer, holding onto Louis' arm to prove to Danny that I really am taken.

He gasps in surprise, looking at Danny angrily. "What the fuck, man? That's my boy!" he growls.

"There's plenty of him to go around," he smirks once again.

Only Yours (Larry Stylinson AU) (Boyxboy Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now