🌹Chapter 4🌹

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Hi everyone!

I hope you've been well. I'm so happy to be updating again(: I'm trying to do it as often as possible.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Next chapter is Aden's funeral!

Word Count: 3385


*Harry's POV*

*one week later/one day before the funeral*

I come home from school with a breath of relief, ready to collapse on my bed and try to wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually attending my dead boyfriend's funeral tomorrow. Is it even right for me to call him my boyfriend anymore? I sigh sadly, realising I probably shouldn't. He's never coming back to life, so we're no longer dating. This recognition dampens my mood even further, so as soon as I close the front door behind me, I run straight up to my room. However, before I can make it to the top of the stairs, I hear my mum calling for me.

"Where are you going, Harry?" she asks me worriedly.

"Up to my room. What's the big deal?" I grumble, tired of hearing the same damn question every single day.

Ever since Aden died, I've been really closed off. I spend most of my time in my room, and I refuse to talk to anyone but Louis about what happened to Aden. In the rare times that I do talk to my parents, I either barely say two words to them or end up arguing with them. I understand that they just want to help, but I don't want to discuss it with them. They'll just end up sending me to a therapist or try to get me to take medication to stop being so sad. Louis is the only one who truly gets it.

"You don't ever talk to me! That's the big deal," she exclaims.

"I'm not in the mood to talk," I sigh again.

"Why not?" she questions in a calmer voice.

"Because Aden's funeral is tomorrow and I'm not even close to being ready to see him," I admit to her, beginning to become emotional thinking about having to see him being buried in the ground in less than twenty four hours.

"Well, tell Louis. He's your best friend, isn't he? He sure seems to know you better than I do," she snaps, obviously jealous of my close relationship with him. "I never liked Aden," she adds with a smirk, knowing she struck a nerve.

My mouth falls open in shock, not believing the words that just came out of her mouth. How could she say she never liked Aden? She was always so nice to him, and she never complained whenever he came over. Was it all just an act? Was Dad in on it? He was never mean to him either, but who knows what Mum could've said to him?

"What?! Why not?" I demand.

"He was always in the way of you and I. When you started dating him, you forgot all about me. I was hoping his death would bring us closer, but you shut me out. God, even when he's dead, it's still all about him," she mutters angrily.

"I-I loved him! You've never understood me!" I cry out, starting to tear up.

"Oh, get away, you crybaby," she rolls her eyes in annoyance, causing me to scoff in disbelief.

"And you wonder why I never talk to you about shit." I shake my head and storm off to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

"Don't you slam any doors!" Mum yells from downstairs, but I ignore her, pulling out my cell phone from my front pocket of my jeans.

Tears fall down my cheeks as I lay down on my bed and dial Louis' number. I know I'm probably bothering him with all my drama, but he's the only one I feel like I can talk to about this stuff. I'm close with the boys and all, but my friendship with Louis is different. We're the closest out of all of us, and we seem to have a special bond. If there's anyone who can cheer me up right now, it's him.

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