🌹Chapter 3🌹

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Hello, everybody! (Yes, I stole this from Zoella😂)

I hope you all have had a great summer so far! I just graduated from high school!!!

School was crazy the last few weeks, and graduation was even crazier, but I'm so happy to be out and ready to bring you guys lots of chapters(:

I'll try to update more often now that I am out of school, but I still work, so bear with me.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. She's long af.

Happy readings!

Word Count: 2928


*3 years ago*

*Louis' POV* (my smol son☺️)

Harry and I are laying across his bed as we hang out in his bedroom, trying to figure out what to do. We're both bored out of our minds, each occasionally letting out small sighs of frustrations as we continue to brainstorm. Unfortunately, since his mum is kind of strict about what games he can play, our choices are limited. He only has Uno, Monopoly and a few racing games on his Playstation. We've played most of them already, leaving us absolutely nothing to do.

All of the sudden, a great idea pops into my head, prompting me to sit up and gasp. My gasp causes Harry to jump in surprise as he sits up, too, and looks at me with questioning eyes. I apologize for startling him, informing him that I just got an idea for a game we can play. He excitedly asks me what it is. I bite my lip nervously, now realising this may not be his type of game. However, I hope he'll agree since there's nothing else to do.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" I suggest with a uneasy smile.

He instantly makes a displeased face, obviously not happy with my choice. My own face falls in disappointment, thinking he'll say no. I knew he wouldn't like the idea; he hates games like this. He insists that someone always gets hurt or embarrassed and it's not worth it. I know it can get out of hand at parties and shit, but it's just me. He should trust me.

"I know you hate truth or dare, but I promise I won't try to embarrass you or hurt you at all. I'm your best friend. You can trust me, can't you?" I tempt him, knowing my last question will make him feel guilty; he has such a big heart.

"Fine, but if it gets too crazy, I'm not playing anymore," he reluctantly agrees.

I cheer with delight, hugging him as I thank him over and over again. He playfully shoves me, muttering at me to start the game. I laugh at his attempt to sass me, trying to come up with a good truth and dare before I ask him. Keeping my promise to keep it more mellow, I decide to ask him if he's ever cheated on a test before or dare him to prank call Niall.

"Truth or dare, Haz?" I begin excitedly.

"Truth," he answers, sounding a little shy.

"Starting out easy, I see," I tease, earning another playful shove from him. "Have you ever cheated on a test before?" I ask him.

"Nope. I've copied homework, though," he giggles, winking at me.

I smirk back in response, remembering how many times we've rushed to copy each other's homework before class. I knew this goodie-two-shoes would never cheat on a test. He believes that if he fails, it should be on his own terms, not someone else's. He's probably afraid to get caught, too. As for me, I'm not proud of it, but I have cheated a couple times before.

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