🌹Chapter 7🌹

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Hello, my little loves!

I hope you are just as excited for this chapter as I am. Louis and Harry are finally going on a date!

I hope you enjoy it!

Word Count: 3149


*Harry's POV*

*the next day at school*

Louis holds my hand as we walk to my locker. A few people give us strange looks, probably not expecting me to be with someone new yet. I try to ignore it, knowing I'm allowed to move on in my own time and on my own terms. However, just because Louis and I are unofficially together doesn't mean I've completely moved on. Even years from now, some part of me will still miss Aden and love him no matter what. That doesn't mean I can't love someone else in the future.

Shaking those thoughts from my mind, I stop in front of my locker, causing Louis to stop as well and stand next to me. As I'm opening my locker to grab my notebook, I spot the boys walking towards us, making me groan internally. I love them, but I just know they're going to tease us about getting together. Of course, they'll be happy for us, but we'll never hear the end of it.

"Hey, guys," Niall smirks, looking down at Louis and I's joined hands.

"Hey," I greet, preparing myself for their childish remarks.

"So this is new," he points out with a smug smile.

"Yeah. Louis and I got together last night," I reply, looking at Louis with a shy smile.

"Unofficially, though. Harry's not ready for a relationship yet," the older boy clarifies, squeezing my hand affectionately.

"Well, before these two dorks start making jokes, I just want to say that I'm happy for you two. I know Louis has been wanting this for a long time, and it's good to see you moving forward. You seem happy with him," Liam smiles supportively, being the more mature one out of the group.

"Thank you, Liam. That really means a lot to us," I grin, using my free arm to hug him as Louis does the same.

"Of course," he nods.

"We weren't going to make jokes," Zayn pouts, causing all of us to give him a look that says "hell yes you were."

"Maybe you weren't," Niall snorts. "It took you long enough, Tommo. Finally got the balls to ask him out, yeah?" he nudges Louis' shoulder.

Louis rolls his eyes, shoving Niall by his arm. Niall laughs loudly, shoving him back. This soon leads to them having a play fight in the middle of the hallway. It's my turn to roll my eyes as I watch them push each other around. Nonetheless, this only increases my fondness for him. Louis may be a dork, but he's my dork now.


All day, people have been giving us odd looks. Some have congratulated us and told me how happy they are for us. Others seem to be judging me for dating him. I even heard someone say "Wow, he couldn't even wait a whole year?" That comment really hurt, but Louis assured me that they're just jealous of us. He's right; it's none of their business, anyways.

"So when are you taking him out?" Niall asks curiously as we're all eating lunch together.

Louis coughs on his food, obviously caught off guard by his nosy question. I gently pat his back to make sure he's okay. He gives me a quick nod, taking a gulp of water. Niall watches him in amusement, giving him an expectant look for an answer to his question.

"We haven't discussed it yet," he finally responds.

"What?! I know you just got together and everything, but how do you expect to become official if you don't take him on a few dates?" Niall replies bluntly.

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