🌹Chapter 9🌹

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Hi, everyone!

I hope you're having a wonderful day or night(:

Just to warn you guys, I start school on August 20. This may affect how often I update. I am very sorry in advance if my updates become slower or shorter than usual.

That being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's my first time adding smut😯


Word Count: 3099


*Louis' POV*

*one month later*

Harry and I are sitting on his bed as we study together. He has a huge history test that he's nervous for. All week, he's been going on about how much he needs to pass. In my opinion, he needs to stop stressing so much. He's so smart that I have no doubt he'll pass. Besides, after being so stressed over losing his ex boyfriend for the past several months, he deserves to have some sort of peace of mind.

In an effort to calm him down, I begin kissing down his neck softly. He blushes shyly, still new to me showing him so much affection. I smile in amusement, kissing below his car. Harry giggles at the ticklish feeling, moving away from me. However, that doesn't stop me from continuing.

"C'mon, baby. Let's just kiss all night. You'll so pass this shit," I attempt to persuade him.

"Lou, I really need to study," he shakes his head, trying to pull away from my grip.

"No, come on. You've got it. Follow my t-tongue," I instruct him, pulling him closer as I remove my own shirt. "Bet you're eating this up, aren't you, my little boy? My baby," I smirk, nibbling at his earlobe.

"Fuck, Louis," he moans softly, slowly wearing down.

"I know you love it," I moan in response, taking off my pants as Harry takes off his own shirt.

"Yes, but I'm scared, Louis. I haven't done anything like this in a long time. I'm not even sure if I'm ready yet," he hesitates nervously.

"I know, babe. I promise we'll have clothes on the entire time, okay? We'll take it as slow as you need, and you can tell me to stop if you get too uncomfortable. I promise," I assure him honestly, wanting to make him feel as safe as possible.

He smiles at me in awe, so touched that I'm willing to do things at his pace. Harry nods at me, indicating that he wants to go through with this. I beam, so happy that I am able to please him. With his consent, I proceed to grind on his clothed crotch.

"Ohhhh, Louis," he groans, starting to get a boner in his tight shorts.

"Getting hard for me already, eh? Tell me what you want, baby," I smirk, talking dirty to him.

"Rub me, please," Harry begs, body becoming hot all over as we roll our hips together.

"Where, honey? Use your words," I tell him dominantly, taking control of the situation.

"I want you to play with my nipples," he blushes dark red in embarrassment, obviously shy about doing sexual things with me.

"So rub you or touch your nipples, baby?" I ask teasingly, watching him writhe underneath me with the urge to be touched.

"B-Both, please," he replies desperately.

His hips buck up to meet mine, creating friction between our crotches. We both cry out in pleasure, feeling our boxers become wet with pre-come. I shake my head yes at him, reaching down to rub his boner as I suck on his nipple. He moans my name somewhat loudly as I lick his other nipple teasingly.

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