🌹Chapter 10🌹

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Hello, lovely people!

How are you? I hope everyone has been enjoying September lately(:

I also hope you enjoy this chapter. There's quite a bit of dialogue in it, but it's a very exciting chapter(;

Happy reading!

Word Count: 5538


Harry's POV*

*one month and a half later*

I've been feeling so strangely lately. For the past weeks or so, everything I eat has made me nauseous. Certain foods that I normally enjoy, such as bananas and eggs, now make me sick to my stomach just at the smell. I have also had a headache nearly everyday. All of this happened out of the blue, and I don't know why.

Am I coming down with something? Deciding that it's better to be safe than sorry, I make an appointment to see my doctor. I choose to attend the consultation by myself, not wanting to worry my parents if it turns out not to be something serious. Besides, it's not like my mum would even care, anyways, and my dad is always too busy with work to worry about me too much.

I certainly don't want Louis to go with me. He already frets over me enough as it is. I don't need him asking me if I'm okay every five seconds. It'll make me even more nervous than I already am. Some part of me can't help but believe that whatever's going on is more than just a simple sickness. My only hope is that it doesn't turn out to be a terminal illness like cancer.

Nerves eat away at my stomach as I pull into the parking lot of the doctors' office. After sitting in the car for a few minutes to calm myself down, I shakily step out of the driver's seat. The receptionist smiles at me as I walk inside. I smile back at her and sign myself in. I then take a seat and scroll through Instagram while I wait for my name to be called.

"Harry Styles?" the nurse calls about twenty minutes later.

Looking up from my phone, I stand up and follow her down the hall to where the scale is sitting against the wall. She measures my height and weight, marking it down on her chart. When she finishes, she leads me back into one of the rooms and instructs me to take a seat on the bed. I do as she tells me, nodding when she informs me that the doctor will be in shortly.

When she leaves, the nerves begin to settle in again. There's a number of possibilities as to what could be wrong with me. What if there's no cure for what I have? What if there's nothing they can do for me? I'm not ready to die yet. My life is finally going back to normal; I don't want it to be over yet. However, before I can worry for much longer, the doctor knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I call, prompting him to open the door and walk inside.

"Hello, Mr. Styles. How are you feeling?" he asks politely.

"Pretty nervous," I sigh deeply.

"Why is that?" he questions curiously, taking a seat in front of his computer.

"I'm not sure what's causing me to be so sick lately, and I'm worried that it's something horrible," I admit.

"Well, I can assure you that whatever it is, we'll get to the bottom of it and do everything we can to help you," he smiles.

He begins asking me routine questions, such as my eating habits, how much sleep I get each night, etc. I answer them easily, being sure to mention my sudden aversion to specific foods and my headaches. We continue to go down the list. At this point, nothing seems to raise any concerns yet. That is, until he asks me if I've been sexually active lately.

Only Yours (Larry Stylinson AU) (Boyxboy Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now