🌹Chapter 2🌹

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Hey, guys!

How are you? I hope you're having a great day.

I'm so excited to be publishing another chapter. I've missed writing so much!

This chapter is a long one, so grab a snack and get ready.

A lot is going on in this chapter and the gif is a huge hint(;


By the way, if you haven't heard No Tears Left To Cry yet, you should give it a listen. I have it linked up above(:

Word Count: 2684


*Harry's POV*

"I guess I'm doing okay, considering..." I trail off, knowing he's already well aware of why I'm not actually okay.

"You're strong, Haz. You'll make it through this; I know it," Louis assures me, grabbing my hand to give it an affectionate squeeze.

"Thanks, Lou. I'm so lucky I have you," I reply genuinely, returning the squeeze.

"Of course. Just try and get through your first few classes and I'll see you at lunch, okay?" he tells me.

"Okay. Thank you again," I smile weakly.

"Always," he smiles back sweetly.

After walking me to my class, Louis gives me a comforting hug prior to going to his own class. My hands tremble at my sides with nerves as I mentally prepare myself to face my classmates. Undoubtedly, everyone has probably heard the news about my boyfriend passing away. A statement about his death was released a week after the murder was committed. Aden's father was arrested and sentenced to life in prison without parole, and his mother divorced him right away. Unfortunately, this means I'll be the talk of the school for a while. I just hope everyone respects that I'm going through a tough time right now and they don't judge me or bombard me with questions.

As I'm walking into the classroom, I hear my teacher warn the class that I may break down at random times due to Aden's death and to not laugh at me or do anything when it happens. She says that I should just be left alone and that Louis will be called in when it happens. My cheeks burn bright red in shame and embarrassment. Am I really that crazy that she feels the need to warn the class that I might have a mental breakdown? Are my other teachers going to give my other classes the same warning? Is that how people see me now: crazy?

My teacher stops talking as soon as I step foot inside of the classroom, flashing me a quick smile that says she knows she's been caught. Everyone's eyes are on me while I sit down at my seat and begin taking out my supplies. Tears sting my eyes as I try not to let it affect me, knowing they're just concerned for me. I just wish I could be treated normally.

"Hello, Harry. It's so nice to see you back at school again," Mrs. Obed greets me kindly, but I can tell she's faking it.

"It's nice to be back," I lie, wanting nothing more than to curl up under my blanket and cry.

"I just wanted to say I'm deeply sorry for your loss. If you ever need to talk to anyone, feel free to stop by my classroom," she offers with a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind," I answer, hoping that will shut her up.

Luckily, that response seems to satisfy her because she commences class afterwards, teaching us all about World War II. I do my best to pay attention to her lecture, taking as many notes down as I can. However, I find it difficult to focus on her words when I feel everybody's gaze on me. After about 30 minutes, I finally turn around and see them all staring at me with worried expressions. I shrink down in my seat, attempting to ignore them by keeping my eyes on my paper.

Only Yours (Larry Stylinson AU) (Boyxboy Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now