🌹Chapter 11🌹

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Hi, everyone!

It's been far too long. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. College keeps me insanely busy, but I write whenever I can. Please be patient with me.

I hope you've been doing well and like this chapter. There's a bit of drama(;


Word Count: 2896


*Louis' POV*

*the next day at school*

Harry has been very quiet since his stepfather left last night. I think he's really struggling with the fact that his mum disowned him because of the pregnancy. Despite how judgemental he told me she could be, he never expected her to react this way. It truly breaks my heart to watch him go through hardship after hardship and not be able to do much to help him. If I could take away his emotional pain, I would do it without hesitation. All I can do now is be there for him and pray that everything will turn out okay in the end.

He's also feeling quite uneasy about announcing the news to the boys. Even though I've assured him that they'll be supportive no matter what, I believe the incident with his mum has really shaken his faith. However, he just has to realise that just because she wasn't understanding, it doesn't mean no one will be. Zayn, Niall, and Liam are our best friends, and there's no doubt in my mind that they'll be happy for us. The news may freak them out at first, but I'm sure they'll be willing to help us out as much as they can.

"You ready for school, love?" I ask him gently after he packs up his rucksack.

"As ready as I can be," Harry sighs solemnly, standing up and putting his bookbag on.

"I know things are hard right now, but please, at least, try to cheer up," I plead, not wanting all the wonderful progress he's made to go to waste.

"I will. I'm sorry," he apologises, giving me a guilty frown.

"It's okay. I just worry about you, as always," I blush.

He smiles at me gratefully as we climb into my car and head to school. On our way there, Harry bites his lip nervously, fidgeting with his fingers. My heart aches in agony, wishing there was something I could do to soothe his nerves. Sadly, no matter what I do or say, it won't stop him from worrying about their reactions. I simply place a hand on his thigh and continue to remind that everything will turn out just fine.

Once we arrive in the parking lot, I grab my bag and hold his hand while we walk inside to our lockers. Harry's hands tremble as he takes his books out and places them into his backpack. I let out a breath of frustration, hating to see him like this. He was just doing so well and now, he's hit another low. Hopefully, he can recover from this, too.

"Take deep breaths, love. This stress is not good for you or the baby," I prompt him.

"I know. They just mean so much to me. I can't bear the thought of them leaving me, too. And I don't want to be the reason they stop being friends with you," he admits, finally voicing his concerns aloud.

"Baby, they'd never stop being friends with either of us over this. And if they did, that just shows that they're not our true friends," I reason with him.

"You're right, like always," he teases, causing me to laugh fondly.

"Thanks, Haz."

Just then, the boys approach us at his locker, waving with a smile. We wave back with our free hands, each of us taking a deep breath. Though I'd never admit it to Harry, I am a little nervous to break the news to them. It's definitely quite a surprise, and it will probably take some time to get used to the idea that Harry will be giving birth to my baby in nine months. I just hope they don't react in a way that will hurt his feelings.

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