🌹Chapter 6🌹

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Hello, my beautiful readers!

I hope you're having a great day/night. I've missed you all, but I'm finally back with another chapter, and boy, is it a good one.

I really hope you enjoy it(:

Next chapter is exciting(;

Word Count: 4640


*Louis' POV*

*the next morning*

"Good morning," I greet him happily when he opens his eyes.

"Good morning," he yawns, closing his eyes again.

"Sleep alright? You seemed uncomfortable last night, so I kinda let you go," I explain awkwardly, cursing myself for sounding so lame.

"I was cold," he pouts, rolling over to face me.

"I'm sorry," I apologise, looking down at him regretfully. "Plans today?" I ask curiously.

"No. I was hoping to spend the day with you," he admits shyly, fiddling with his fingers as a nervous habit I know all too well.

"Sure. We can do whatever you want," I smile excitedly, looking forward to spending even more time with him, hopefully with him in a better mood than yesterday.

"Well, first things first. I need to eat," he laughs.

Hearing this immediately boosts my mood. He hasn't been eating very often, so to hear him say that he actually wants to eat feels like a huge sigh of relief. I know he probably won't eat much, but at least it's something. I'll even take him to his favourite breakfast spot in hopes of influencing him to eat a decent meal.

"Okay. I can take you out to eat at that diner that you like," I agree, satisfied that he's finally eating.

"Really? That's so nice!" Harry beams, hugging me on my bare chest.

"Sure, Haz," I chuckle in amusement, hugging him back.

"Let me get dressed real quick," he announces, sitting up in bed.

I nod in agreement, sitting up with him and lazily climbing out of bed to grab a change of clothes. As he stretches sleepily, I hand him some clothes that he's left at my house before. Harry thanks me quietly, going into my bathroom to change. Ever since I found out about his cuts, he's been reluctant to change in front of me. Before then, we had no problem undressing in front of each other. I sigh softly, hoping things will go back to normal someday.

Once we both change, he texts his mum to inform her of where he's going. She just responds with a mere "have fun." He rolls his eyes at her careless reply, pocketing his pants into his jeans. With a sympathetic pat on the back, I lead him downstairs and grab my keys. After informing my mum that we're going to breakfast, we put on our shoes and walk to my car, Harry yawning as he buckles himself in.

"You okay, Haz? It's really early. Maybe we should sleep longer," I suggest worriedly.

"I'll be okay. I just need some coffee," he assures me.

"Okay. I'll get you that latte you love then," I smile, driving towards the diner.

"Thank you," he smiles back, laying his head against the window tiredly.

"What should we do on the way there?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Wanna put on our favourite station?" Harry recommends.

"Sure," I laugh, reaching over to change the radio station.

He hums along to the song that's playing, staring out of the window mindlessly. I smile fondly at how pretty his voice sounds. Harry doesn't sing out loud very often, but when he does, he sounds like an angel. I genuinely believe he could pursue a career as a singer one day.

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