🌹Chapter 14-The End🌹

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Hi everyone!

It's been far too long. How are you guys? I hope you've been well(:

I have some huge news that is both good and bad...

This is the final chapter of Only Yours.

Though it wasn't planned for this story to be this short, I'll be honest: I'm not happy with this story anymore. It doesn't excite me like it used to, and I don't want to put my time into a book that I have slowly grown to dislike. It also isn't fair to you guys for me to drag on this book because I wouldn't be giving you my best work, and you guys deserve the best.

However, as mentioned in the last chapter, I do have a new book on the way. It doesn't have a title just yet, but I will announce all of the details on here as soon as they are finalized.

That's all the announcements for now. Enjoy the final chapter!

Word Count: 2532


*nine months pregnant*

*Harry's POV*

I sigh heavily as I struggle to get comfortable in Louis and I's bed. Ever since I've been put on bed rest about a month ago, I've hardly left this bed except to go to the bathroom. At this point, I am so tired of being pregnant, and I wish our daughter would hurry up and be born already. Louis' done everything he can to comfort me as much as possible, but no matter what, I'm uncomfortable almost all of the time. No one told me that pregnancy would be this difficult.

"Harry?" Louis calls as he arrives home from school.

"In the bed as usual!" I call back with a groan.

Louis enters the room with a sympathetic smile on his face. I feel so awful for how I've been treating him lately. Sometimes, the pain and discomfort are so great that it causes me to be mean and snappy towards him and anyone else. Obviously, I don't mean the nasty things that I say, but at the moment, I can't help but act that way. Hopefully, I'll go back to being my kinder self when I give birth.

"Hi, darling. How are you feeling?" he asks gently, sitting next to me on our bed.

"How do you think I'm feeling? Rain still refuses to be born," I grumble in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Haz," he frowns, stroking my arm. "I have a feeling today will be the day," he adds truthfully.

"What makes you say that?" I scoff.

"I just have this feeling that you'll go into labor today," he shrugs.

"For your sake, I hope you're right," I sigh again, finally giving up on trying to lay down in a more comfortable position; I'm too big to even move around too much, anyway.

Louis simply smiles back nervously, continuing to rub my arm soothingly. As pissed off as I am right now, I crack a tiny grin because even though I am such a jerk to him, he continues to console me and treat me like a queen. I truly don't deserve him right now. He's so kind and selfless, and I'm so lucky that he's the father of my daughter.

"I love you, by the way," I admit to him to smooth things over.

"I love you more," he coos, kissing me softly.

I kiss him back sweetly, trying to keep the peace. He moves his hands up to cup my cheeks, deepening the kiss. I tilt my head down in response, unable to do much to keep the kiss exciting. Louis gently scoots closer to me, careful as to not put too much pressure on my stomach. This small gesture causes me to smile again at how pure and nice he is.

Only Yours (Larry Stylinson AU) (Boyxboy Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now