🌹Chapter 12🌹

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Hello, everyone!

It's been so long. I'm so sorry. I've been trying to complete this chapter for over a week and I finally found the time to finish it!

How've you been? I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break tbh. More updates coming soon when I go on break(;

Enjoy the chapter while listening to Ariana's amazing new single. You won't regret it(;

Btw, the picture attached in a sonogram of the fourth month of pregnancy.

Word Count: 2713


*Louis' POV*

*the next morning*

I wake up with a heavy heart, memories of last night flooding into my brain as soon as I open my eyes. Now that I'm no longer in the heat of the moment, I finally realise how much of a dick I was to Harry. How could I not only violate his privacy but also have the audacity to scream at him and throw away letters that obviously mean a great deal to him? I had no right to do any of those things, and I need to prove to Harry that I am sorry and will never do anything like that to him ever again.

As much as I would love to try to talk to him right now, I'm not sure if he's up yet, and I don't want to risk upsetting him even more by waking him up. Instead, I walk downstairs to eat breakfast. To my surprise, Harry is already awake and having a bowl of cereal with my mum. As soon as he sees me, he goes silent, and his face turns sour. My heart pangs with the knowledge that he's still mad at me. Even though I obviously expected that, it doesn't make it hurt any less.

Trying to get rid of the obvious tension, I give him an awkward smile and go over to the stove to heat up some water for a cup of tea. As I thought, he ignores my smile and focuses his gaze on his bowl of cereal. I sigh softly and fill the kettle with water. When it's finished, I take the kettle off of the stove and fill up a mug, adding a tea bag. As I'm putting the kettle back, Harry stands up and places his bowl in the sink. Seeing this as my opportunity to try and apologize again, I speak up before he leaves.

"Harry? I know you're still really upset with me, but can we please talk upstairs?" I ask desperately.

"I don't want to talk," he denies stubbornly.

"Please? It's really important," I beg, looking into his eyes pleadingly.

"Fine," he sighs. "Make it quick," he adds, following me into my room.

Feeling the least bit relieved that he's willing to hear me out, I close the door behind us and take a deep breath to prepare myself for my explanation. I have to keep in mind that even though I'm going to apologize genuinely and giving my honest explanation for my behaviour, I still can't expect him to forgive me. What I did was inexcusable and he deserves to be mad for as long he feels.

"Look, Harry, I'm not saying I believe you'll forgive me right away, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am and explain why I acted like that last night," I begin.

"Okay. Go ahead," he mumbles, sitting on the edge of our bed.

"I felt betrayed and maybe kinda jealous. I thought you were still attached to Aden and it made me feel like you didn't love me or our baby. I know that was stupid of me, but it's honestly how I felt. I also feared that you regretted giving your virginity to me instead of Aden because I got you pregnant. I know it was wrong to throw away your letters because of that, and I am truly so sorry. That was so incredibly disgusting of me to behave that way, and I will regret it for the rest of my life. Like I said, I don't expect you to magically forgive me, but I thought you should know the whole story and know that it doesn't excuse what I did to you," I apologise from the bottom of my heart.

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