🌹Chapter 13🌹

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I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate it. Hopefully, you got some great deals this past Friday(:

I am sad to say this book may be coming to an end soon): I'll let you all know once I've finalized how many chapters are left.

As always, I do have another book planned after this one is finished, so stay tuned for that!

I'm sorry in advance that this chapter is so short. I am hoping the next one will be longer. This one is alluding to the birth:0


Btw, I am not a doctor, so not everything in here will be medically correct. I did some research, but I am not an expert.

Word Count: 2120


*a few weeks later*

*Louis' POV*

"Thank you for picking us up and coming along, Mr. Styles," I thank Harry's dad as he pulls up to my house to take us to Harry's doctor appointment.

"Of course, Louis. I'm happy to help out in any way that I can. Besides, I'm excited to find out the gender with you guys," he grins while Harry and I sit next to each other in the backseat.

"So am I. I want to start planning the nursery and buying baby clothes. I can't wait!" I gush anxiously.

Harry nods in agreement, beaming from ear to ear. All week, this appointment was all he could talk about. He's stoked to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. Both of us are hoping for a girl, but of course, we'll be happy either way. Plus, this appointment will give us a chance to start thinking of names for our baby.

"I bet. Are you guys doing a gender reveal party?" his father asks us curiously on our way to the doctor's office.

"No. We discussed it, but we agreed that we'd rather just tell everyone separately. You'll already find out with us today and that just leaves our three friends and my family. It wouldn't be enough people for a proper party," I explain, holding Harry's hand gently.

"And his mum already accidentally hinted to me that she's going to throw me a baby shower, and that's good enough for me," Harry adds with a giggle.

"Well, that's great. I'm glad she's taking such good care of you. I'm sorry that I can't be there to experience this with you as much as I'd like," Harry's dad sighs regrettably.

"No, it's okay. I know you're doing the best you can. It's not your fault that things ended up like this," Harry assures him truthfully, reaching over to softly pat him on the back.

"Thank you, son. I appreciate it," he replies quietly.

Harry nods with a smile, the car going silent after that. No one says another word for the rest of the ride, but there's no tension between us. Harry knows that his father is doing everything he can to be as involved in his pregnancy as he can be. The wedge that Harry's mother is continuing to drive between their family makes that much more difficult, but Desmond still comes over on a weekly basis to check on Harry. Despite Anne's attempts, he and Harry are closer than ever now.

The car soon rolls to a stop, causing me to look up and notice that we've parked in the office's parking lot. I unbuckle and immediately rush to Harry's side to help him out of the car. Despite him blushing and looking at me in embarrassment, he thanks me and follows Desmond and me into the building. Though he's not too terribly big yet, he's already beginning to struggle to stand up and get out of bed on his own. It makes him feel humiliated, but with little protest, he does let me help him. Sadly, as he gets closer and closer to his due date, he'll require even more help.

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