🌹Chapter 1🌹

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I missed you guys so much! I'm so happy to be back with the first official chapter of this book!

This chapter will be featuring a flashback that leads to how Harry is coping with the murder and what he does to feel better. Any guesses?

Enjoy the chapter!

Word Count: 1326


*Harry's POV*

*one month later*

I walk into school for the first time since Aden died. It still doesn't feel real to me. It feels like I'll suddenly wake up from this horrible nightmare I've been living lately and Aden will be back by my side as if nothing ever happened. I've barely slept since I received the news. I haven't been eating unless my mother or sister made me. I haven't answered anyone's texts or calls; in fact, I've not even touched my phone at all. I'm still heavily broken up over what happened, and at this point, it feels as if I'll never recover.

As I expected, everyone's eyes are on me as soon as I step foot into the hallway. Most of their eyes are filled with sympathy. Some show uncertainty like they don't know if they should approach me or not. I can't say I really blame them; I look a proper mess right now. I've barely bothered changing my clothes as of late, so I'm just wearing a black shirt and a ragged pair of grey sweatpants. My curls are unruly and very clearly not washed for a few days. I probably look as terrible as I feel.

When I reach my locker, I am hit with this unexpected wave of sadness as I remember that Aden's locker was right next to mine. Tears glisten my eyes as I stare at the pictures he'd decorated the outside of it with. They're mostly pictures of him and I holding hands or kissing. He knew I loved photography, so he always let me take pictures of him or us together. Some of the photos were of him on the football field where the sun was hitting him just right. Seeing them makes me miss him even more and makes it harder for me to hold myself together.

"Hey, Haz," Louis greets me shyly, approaching me with a bit of caution since he can tell I'm quite fragile right now.

"Hi, Louis," I whisper in the loudest voice I can muster up at the moment, blinking back tears that dare to fall.

"How you holding up?" he asks even though I'm sure he knows the answer already.

Hearing him ask me that redundant question reminds me of our conversation straight after he told me the news. I was a mess, much like I am right now, and he did everything he could to calm me down. It was, of course, to no avail, but knowing I had his support helped and still does help me cope with the immense, uncontrollable pain of losing the love of my life. He's truly the greatest friend I could've ever asked for, and he's the only friend who's stuck around so far.

(Italics means it's a flashback(: )

*one month ago* (right after Louis told him the news)

"Wh-what?" I gasp in disbelief, praying I didn't just hear him right.

"I'm so sorry, H," Louis replies regretfully, eliciting another sob into the phone.

"You're lying! This is all a joke! Stop joking with me!" I demand angrily, though deep in my heart, I am aware that Louis would never joke about something that serious.

"I wish I was. The cops just arrested his dad and took him into custody. His mother is absolutely horrified and heartbroken. I'm really sorry, Haz. I know how hard this must be to hear," Louis explains, speaking to me in the gentlest tone.

The phone falls out of my trembling hands as I bring them up to my mouth in an attempt to conceal the ugly cries of despair that escape it. I can barely process the fact that my boyfriend just died and that I will never see him again. How dare his father take his life away from him, especially at such a young age. His own fucking father. The one that is supposed to love him unconditionally and support him no matter what. I knew his father didn't really support him being gay, but I never thought it would lead to anything like this.

"Harry? Harry! Are you still there? Please talk to me," Louis begs from where my phone is on the floor.

I somehow find the strength to lean down and pick up my cell phone, still wailing and shaking as I bring up to my ear. I mutter out a small "yes" as I wait to see what he wants. All I want right now is to be alone and try to find a way to wrap my head around this whole situation. However, aware of how much Louis cares and how protective he is, I realise that he won't let me hang up until he thinks I'm okay.

"I'm coming over, okay? I don't want you to be alone right now," Louis informs me, and I hear him shuffling around, probably to put on his shoes.

"No, it's okay. I really need to just be by myself," I argue, not wanting to deal with anyone or have him see how snotty and ugly I look.

"I'm still coming. We could both use some comforting. Besides, I know you love to cuddle when you're upset, and I'm happy to cuddle you," Louis insists sweetly, making me cry even harder.

"Thank you," I sniffle.

Louis keeps me on the phone as he drives, making sure I stay safe and don't do anything irrational or stupid. He keeps muttering encouraging, soothing words the entire time, doing everything he can do to keep me calm. As soon as he arrives and walks into my bedroom, he gathers me up in a giant hug, allowing me to bawl in his arms. He repeats "it's okay" and "I'm here for you" over and over again, rubbing soft circles on my back.

We stay like that for a while, just standing in each other's embrace in the middle of the room until I'm no longer crying. Once I stop, he leads me into my bed and covers me with the blanket laying over my mattress like a mother tucking her child into bed. He then climbs into bed next to me and tells me to turn so that my back is facing him. I follow his instructions, already knowing what he's about to do. Louis wraps his arms around me from behind, pressing his chest against my back. Despite feeling so devastated and heartbroken, I smile a little because he remembers that I love being the little spoon.

"Try to get some sleep, H. You must be exhausted," he mumbles into my neck where his head is laying.

"Thanks, Lou. Really," I mumble back, feeling the tears return from how kind he's being and merely just remembering that Aden is gone.

"Of course," he whispers softly, pecking a light kiss to the back of my neck.

I was too exhausted at the time to understand why he was being so affectionate. However, I would find out soon enough.



What do you think of how Harry is holding up right now? Of how he took the news when Louis told him? Of Louis comforting him? Why is Louis being so affectionate?

Thank you so much for 22 reads! That is such a great start, and I'm so glad you guys seem to be liking it(:

[Dedicated to -guccigangstyles  for being the only one to comment on the last chapter. Your support and excitement for this book has been so amazing, and I'm so thankful. Thank you so much for giving me ideas and inspiration for this story. I love you so much💞]


[Book Cover credits to -guccigangstyles ]

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