Chapter 2

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The first chapters of this book aren't great written so I'm slowly editing them. Also, the story gets better later on. Please vote and comment! xx


I walk in the shop and there's about five customers already seated. I greet them with a smile as I walk by them and behind the counter.

There aren't any waiting customers so I go to the back of the shop where my uncle's office is. "Uncle Phil." I enter the room and he's with Drake. I smile, "What's going on here?" I motion my hands in a circle. They both look at me and the look on my uncle's face is priceless. "Your co-worker here is trying to get a raise on his salary." Says my uncle and when the words come out his mouth I start laughing. "That was my exact reaction when he asked me but apparently he's serious." He says and leans back with his arms crossed on his chair.

"Oh c'mon, you guys know why I need it." Drake says and it's true. The reason Drake started working here was because of his tuition at Pace University. "How about you come in from Sunday through Thursdays and I'll raise your salary." Says my uncle and Drake groans. "Not Sunday. I can't do Sunday's old man. Sunday's are my recovering days." My uncle arches his eyebrows and I laugh, I should probably give him a hand but this is too funny. When it comes to deals Drake isn't the person to go to. His negotiation skills aren't the best. "That's not what he means. What he does mean is that he can't make it on Sunday mornings." I say walking up behind Drake and laying my hand on his right shoulder.

"Okay then, come in at 5PM on Sundays until closing and I'll raise your salary. That's my final offer." Uncle Phil might be a tough bone but he means well and he likes to help people. "I'll be here every Sunday at five."

. . .

Something that I liked about working here was that the hours flew. After our little unplanned meeting about Drake's raise I tried getting one myself but only got a death stare. I think I'm the last person on my uncle's list for a raise. Last year I was in charge of closing up the shop on a Friday and I lost the keys due to my encounter with alcohol that night. My uncle was pissed. The shop had to be closed for almost a week until all the locks were replaced. He never forgave me for that one.

I walk to cashier to attend the last customer in line before going on my break because I'm starving.

"What may I get you?" I look down at a little girl who stands in front of the counter with what looks like her mother. "I want a chocolate cake." I smile at her then look at the older woman. "I'll have chai latte please." I write down their order and give it to Drake then direct them to an empty table.

A few minutes go by before the order is ready. I grab the tray with their order and start walking to toward their table. I look at the little girl who just looks like a ball of joy when she sees me with her cake. I smile at her and when I do all I feel is a burning sensation. Someone bumps into me and the latte spills all over me. I bite my tongue to hold back my foul language. I quickly set the tray on a table nearby and run to the bathroom.

I turn on the faucet and take off my shirt; I soak it in cold water then place it on my chest. It feels like I have third degree burns but the cold water helps.

"Are you alright?" I hear Drake from behind me and I nod. "Someone just bumped me and the latte spilled on me." I sigh with relief, the pain is gone and I'm overly glad. "Yeah I saw and it looked like it hurt." I look at him through the mirror and chuckle. "Oh it did." I remove the wet shirt and try to dry myself. "Here, I thought you would need it." He says and throws me a shirt. "Thanks man." I say as put on the shirt.

When I'm done in the bathroom I apologize to the women for what happened and leave to get her another drink. By the time I'm done with the order my shift is over so I finish up and leave. On my way out I pull out my phone from my pocket and motion Drake to text me.

When I step out the café I notice that I have a few missed calls from Aunt Katy and one from Marie. I decide to call my aunt first since it looks like its urgent.

"Hey, you called?" I say into the phone. "Yes I did, multiple times." She says and sounds irritated. "I'm sorry, it was busy today at the shop and I got a latte spilled on me." She gasps when she hears my last words. "Are you okay?" I smile; she always has a habit of over worrying. "Yes I'm fine, what did you need to tell me?"

"It's about your father." She says almost inaudible. "What about him?" I dryly say. "He wants to talk about your future, what you're planning to do since you finished school." I sigh, this phone call hasn't been longer than a minute and I'm already over it. "Okay well tell him that my future or whatever I do does not concern him." I say as I get in my car. "He's been calling a lot recently-" I cut her off because this conversation is annoying me. "So? I don't care. He can call all he wants for all I care."

"Andrew don't say that, he's your father." I chuckle dryly. "Not even close, my father is Uncle Phil."

. . .

I park a street down from Marie's house. After my call with my aunt I texted her to let her know I was coming over.

As I'm walking toward her house I take out my phone from my back pocket to text her that I'm near so she can open the door. When I send the message I feel someone hit my shoulder and the sound of my phone strike the ground.

"Fuck, I just got this." As I bend down to grab my phone I hear a girls voice apologizing. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" When I look up it's the same girl who fell this morning. "Well, well. Haven't the tables turned?" I smile forgetting about my phone. "Excuse me?" I chuckle, "We met this morning, and you fell to my feet?" I start to laugh but she doesn't find it amusing. Surprise, surprise. "Oh c'mon, I'm joking." I smile and she rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She says and once again she shoves me and walks away. What's with her and the shoving? Hasn't anyone told her about excuse me.

"Hey, wait what's your name?" I yell out but she ignores me. I jog up to her and stand in front of her blocking her way. "Okay, I'm praying that you don't shove me aside again because my shoulder can't take it anymore. You'll rip it right off." I say and I finally get something else than a death stare, a smile.

"So, what's your name? I'm Andrew." I extend my hand and she shakes it. "Elizabeth."

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