Chapter 11

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Andrew's POV

It's been a few hours since we arrived to the party and I don't want it to end. I'm dancing with Elizabeth, Marie's with Nick and we're all having a blast. I've had a few drinks and I'm starting to feel the effects of them but at this very moment I just don't care. All I can see is Elizabeth's face and the different flashing colored lights.

"This music is awesome, you're awesome-"I finish my drink and focus on her, she smiles from ear to ear and she's just absolute beautiful. "I've been holding my desire to kiss you all night." I say while I lay both my hands at the start of her jaw.

"You don't have to hold it anymore, kiss me." I close the space between us as the words leave her mouth. Our lips touch and I'm transported to another place, a better place where it's only me and her. Being this close to her does me so good and bad at the same time. Every time I'm around her I can feel myself falling. But her lips are so soft and her mouth sweet that I don't care what can happen. I only focus on enjoying this moment. She breaks our kiss and smiles then starts dancing. I bite my lower lip in frustration and join her.

After nonstop dancing I leave to get us some drinks and I spot Marie with Nick. I walk up to her and whisper into her ear. "Follow me." I grab her hand and make our way through the crowd to a quieter place. She's laughing and I can tell she's had more drinks than I and frankly I'm worried. When Marie drinks it can either end good or bad.

"Are you okay?" She smiles and brings her finger to her mouth shushing me. "I'm fine, we're just having fun. Don't be a buzz kill." She somewhat slurs and smiles, something I haven't seen in a while so I back off. "I mean no harm; you know I just worry about you. Drunken Marie isn't the best person occasionally." We both chuckle. "I'm good, I promise." I smile and leave it at that.

"How are you and Nick going?" She plays with the hem of her cardigan before answering. "I mean, we're friends. Yeah, we're friends." She smiles. I look at her with disbelief. "What?" I laugh; she knows why I'm laughing so she does the same. "Ms. Portman I saw him kiss you and if I'm not mistaking, you kissed him as well." She gasps, "You're such a stalker!" I put my hands in the air in surrender. "I was watching you. I won't deny it." She crosses her arms, "Don't go to fast, you met this guy when?" I rub her shoulder and half smile.

"It's just a kiss Andrew, no big deal." I sigh with relief. "Alright, I just don't want you to get hurt." I kiss her goodbye

"Ditto..." I hear her say as I'm walking away and I decide to ignore it because I'm well aware what she's talking about.

. . .

I wake up to my brain trying to escape my skull aggressively, I open my eyes and everything is blurry. I slowly sit up and realize I'm in my room. I close my eyes and gently lay my head against the backboard of my bed but it feels like a truck ran me over.

After a few minutes of consciousness my thoughts go to Elizabeth. I turn to grab my phone and she's here, lying next to me on my bed.

"Ellie, wake up." I tap her shoulder but she doesn't wake up. I slowly get up to wake her up when I realize I'm naked. Why I'm I naked? I look back at Elizabeth and I wonder if anything happened between us last night. Regardless I pick up my pants from the floor and walk over to her.

"Hey, wake up." I crouch down then gently poke her eye and she cringes. My goal completed she opens her eyes. "Good morning." I smile and she hides underneath the sheets. I chuckle then get up and walk to my dresser. I open the top drawer and grab underwear and some shorts. I close the drawer and stand in front of Elizabeth. "How did we get here?"

"I called a cab. You were too drunk to drive obviously. "She giggles. "Yeah, I have a major hangover." I run my hands through my hair and look down at her. "I woke up and I was naked." I arch my eyebrows and she starts laugh. "What happened?" I smile.

"Oh my god, you were drunk. When we got here I was paying the cab driver and you started taking your pants off." She laughs even harder and this time I laugh with her. "Then when we got here you said that your clothes we burning you or something. " She laughs hysterically. With embarrassment I hover over her and cover her mouth. "Don't laugh, that's mean." I laugh with her. I get off her and a couple of seconds later she stops laughing. I smile "You're cruel, laughing at me when I'm most vulnerable." She stretches out her hands offering me a hug and I give in.

"I'm going to go shower, want to join me?" I whisper in her ear and she nods.

. . .

Elizabeth POV

As I make my way down the stairs I tell Andrew about his madness last night. I never thought I would see him that drunk. He kept his cool at the party but after we left he lost it.

He laughs in disbelief and I can tell he's embarrassed; it's been about the fourth time his face turned red. "Oh, and let's not forget when you told me about the diameter of Pluto." He makes a whining noise and I can't help but laugh.

We reach the end of the staircase and I see a man in his late thirties. He's sitting at the end of the dining table with a newspaper and I freeze. I'm wearing nothing but clothes owned by Andrew and they look enormous on me. I turn back to look at Andrew with wide eyes and he squeezes my shoulder reassuring me. We start to walk towards him and Andrew clears his throat.

"Uncle, I thought you would be at work today?" The man puts his newspaper down and looks at Andrew then at me. I try to hide but it's useless.

"Not today. I have some business to attend to." He says then kindly smiles at me and I do the same. "Right, then if you're here who's at the shop?" I feel terribly uncomfortable standing here so I grab his hand. "Angie is taking care of everything today since you and Drake are off." Andrew nods. As I study the man in front of me I can't imagine them both engaging in an argument. He seem so nice and collect but I book shouldn't be judged by its cover. I couple of seconds go by without a word in between and the whole room becomes awkward.

"Drew, we're waiting?" the man says and I laugh a bit. "Right, um. Uncle this is Elizabeth, Ellie this is my uncle Phil." I extend my hand to greet him and he does the same. "I've heard well this about you." I say. "Have you now?" he says amazed. "Yes." I smile.

"I didn't know Andrew had any good things to say about me." We laugh except Andrew who doesn't find it as amusing. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and smile. "Did you have breakfast yet?" I look at Andrew and he shakes his head at his uncle. "No, we haven't. Are you hungry?" He asks me and I nod.

A few minutes later we're sitting around the table with Phil and I feel much better now. I would be more comfortable with clothes that actually fit me but they're being washed at the moment. "Aren't you cold?" I ask Andrew and he shakes his head. He takes a bite of his food then looks at me. "Why?"

"It's mid January and you're shirtless." I arch my eyebrows. "Show off..." Phil side mumbles and we start to laugh.

. . .

Andrew's POV

"Are you sure you can't stay?" I bring Elizabeth to my chest hugging her. "I can't, I have to go pick up my car then drive to Columbia and pick up Fay, plus it's already six o'clock." I pout and she laughs. "Okay, but can I get kiss first?" She smiles, "That I can do." Our lips touch and sparks fly. When I pull away from our kiss I feel a sting. "Ouch, did you just bite me?" She grabs her purse and giggle then heads for the stairs. I grab her by the waist and throw on the bed. "You're playing dirty? Ha, worst mistake!" I jump on top of her and start kissing her.

"Andrew-" she says between our lips. "I have to go." I grunt in frustration and get up. I help her up give her one last kiss. "I walk you to the door."

When we reach the door all excitement is drained from me and replaced with a mix of sorrow and anger.

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