Chapter 10

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Andrew's POV

It's two o'clock in the afternoon and I still haven't talked to my Uncle about what happened. I woke up little after 9 this morning and drove to Marie's house to talk about what's been happening. She told me about her acceptance to NYU and that she'll be attending this upcoming fall semester. But little to my knowing, she didn't plan on telling me for a few more days.

"I still don't understand why you didn't want to tell me about it. It's huge; you're finally going to live the campus life you've always talked about since we were in middle school." She smiled. Unlike me, Marie has always been excited to go to college. When we were younger every year she had a different career she said she wanted study and how successful she would be. I laughed and dreamt along with her, but deeply inside I knew I wasn't actually going to college. I already had it planned out. I would work in the shop until my Uncle passed away and then I'd take over, or so I thought.

"I didn't think it would feel right, you know with you not being sure of what school you want to go to." She sat at the corner of her bed. "I just don't want you to feel like I'm pushing it." I lay with my head against the backboard of her bed and smiled.

"Push what? You're finally going to college and that's that. Me, well..." I played with my fingers trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"Well what?" She arched her eyebrows for an answer. I didn't have the answer she wants to hear and I didn't want to disappoint her so I chose to say nothing, for now so I just smiled and through a pillow at her face.

• • •

I open and close the front door to my Uncle's house and walk in. It's now 5PM; my Uncle should be home soon so I quickly walked through the living room and headed to my room.

"Andrew we need to talk." I hear my Aunt from behind me. I slowly turn around on my heels to face her.

"Were you waiting for me to come home?" I narrow my eyes at her and she stays silent. "Why?" I continue. "Oh yeah I know why, you didn't say what you had to say this morning did you? Tell me, what is that you have to say to me dear Aunt." I cross my arms and wait for her reply.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a homeless dog on the streets. And to answer your question, no I wasn't waiting for you. You have the privilege to come home at the time of your choice, but I do have to talk to you."

I slightly sigh. "I appreciate you trying to make things less of what they are, but what's happening or happened between me and Phil, is between us."

"It's not about your Uncle; it's about your father." She says with a serious face, way too serious for my liking but I ignore it.

"Tell him I don't have time for his father-son phone calls. I'll try to make time soon enough to call him back."

"The phone calls aren't the problem although I do think you should take them. He's making an effort." She puts her hands together.

"Well if the calls aren't the problem then good. I had enough of them. Can we stop talking about him now? I have some fries I bought, from this new place down our old high school and I would love to enjoy them in peace.

I begin to walk away from her but her next words caused me to stop in my tracks. "Andrew he's flying into New York." It feels like a heavy weight fell into my stomach. How dare he want to come here? After all these years of him doing what he wants to do and not giving a care in the world about me. Aren't the ignored phone calls enough to tell him that I want nothing to do with him? I needed him once but no more. I was fine before him, and I will be just fine without him.

"This is pathetic." I bring my hand to my face and rub my temples. "Why?" I look at her with no expression. I feel angry, I just want to leave and run away from everything, but instead I just blankly look at her. Her mouth opens to say something but closes again. "Tomorrow isn't it? That bastard is coming tomorrow, great." She gives me an apologetic look and I stormed off. I start walking towards my room when hear my Aunt let out a sigh. In the middle of all this, I haven't even stopped to think about how all of this is affecting her. I turn back around and kiss her forehead.

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