Chapter 3

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    Alot of chapter still need to be edited but the story gets better. Please comment I want to know what you guys think. Also vote & share the story! xx

Andrew’s POV

“Elizabeth…” I say standing in front her and she arches her eyebrows. “Is there a problem?” She asks with an attitude and catching me by surprise, this girl is feisty. “No, I like it.” I half smile. “Do you?” She looks at me with disbelief. “Yeah, it’s exquisite. It means oath of my god.” I say and she laughs. “Wow, that was lame.” I laugh along with her. “What was?”  I look at her confused.  “Oh my god, you were serious.” This time I laugh, what is she thinking? “You have me confused in all sorts of,” I say crossing my arms together. “The whole meaning to my name thing, it’s obviously your way of hitting on me.” She says and I bring my hand to my mouth covering the insane smile I have to try to hold off my laughter. “You think I’m hitting on you?” I say and she nods as she adjusts her hair. “I’m not, although I think you’re hitting on,” I say and can’t hold in my laughter anymore. We both laugh and she shakes her head. “Is that so, How about I prove that you are with some coffee?” I invite her hoping it will make up for what happened this morning.

. . .

Elizabeth sadly ended denying my offer for coffee so I continued my way to Marie’s house. Oddly as she was about to leave I offered her a handshake but she also denied it. Apparently she doesn’t do handshakes or something. 

I take my phone and dial Marie to let her know I’m outside and she tells me the door is open. I grab the door knob and almost collapse on the floor. “What the fuck Marie?” I sigh gaining my balance. “What happened?” She says out of breath. “Oh, I don’t know. You almost knocked me over with your gorilla pull.” I say and she laughs. “Sorry, but I mean with your dad.” I hear her words and instantly roll my eyes. “Him… He’s an ass. He called my aunt today.” I walk in her living room and see her mom. “Good afternoon Mrs. Portman.” She smiles at me and waves. “How are you?” I walk over and greet her with a kiss on the cheek. “I’m good.” I sit next to her. Marie’s mom use to go to school with my mom and aunt. They were splendid friends. “How’s Katherine?” She asks. “Oh, she’s doing okay, watching too much TV,” I say and regret it because I know she’ll find out.

We stay in the living room for a while watching TV then make our way to Marie’s room.  She like I, have her room in the basement, but her room is further. The door to the basement in her house is all the way in the end past the living room and kitchen. “Remind me why your room is in the basement?” I sigh, “The same reason yours is too.” I think about it for a second and it’s true, we both got our rooms around the same time. “Touché but mine isn’t far it’s literally next to the living room,” I complain and she chuckles “Get over yourself; it’s only a short walk.” She says going down the stairs.

 When I reach her bed I throw myself on it getting comfortable and I hear a small grumble. “What?” I say taking off my jacket. “Can you like not jump on my bed like that? Last time you broke it and my father thought we were having sex.” The words come out of her mouth and I burst out laughing. “It’s not even funny, we had the birds and the bees talk.” She says annoyed. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

“So what happened with your dad?” Only hearing the word being referred to him annoys me. “Well, apparently he wants to know what I’m going to do.” I play with the zipper of my jacking avoiding eye contact. “Do about what?” She asks. “He wants to know what my plans are for the future.” I look up and Marie’s eyebrows are arched. “Seriously?” She slightly laughs, “Since when has he cared?” I shake my head, he never has. “It’s exactly what I told my aunt.” I crossed my legs together and sat in silence for a few seconds. “Oh and get the best part, my aunt gave him my phone number,” I say and her jaw drops. “Are you kidding? Why would she do that?” I shrug. “She also said I was acting immature and being a little girl.” As the last words leave my mouth she starts to laugh. “Oh god, I love your aunt.” I smile and roll my eyes. “I don’t even know what to say when he calls.” She stops laughing and sits next to me on the bed. “Don’t worry about it, let’s about what we’re going to do about your party?” she smiles eagerly.

“When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I don’t want a party?” She sighs, “Don’t be like that Drew, it’s your birthday. Why on earth do you not want a party?” she asks and I shrug. “Exactly, so this is what I got planned…” She starts talking about her ideas and I slowly fade away into my thoughts.

Without notice my thoughts drift to Elizabeth. I don’t notice her dark green eyes until I picture her in my mind standing in front of me. She was wearing washed jeans with a green jacket that made her eyes look big and warm. Her hair was loose around her face as if she were hiding along with clear, bright skin. Throwing away all of her beautiful features with her nasty attitude, using as a wall to keep everyone away.

“Andrew!” I softly hear Marie yelling, pulling me out of my deep thoughts. I come back to my senses when I see a pillow coming directly towards my face. I catch it and throw it back at Marie. “It’s not nice to throw things Marie.”
“I wouldn’t have to if you were listening.” I smile and she rolls her eyes. “Now, what do you think?” I look at her blankly. “Love it, but it’s not happening.” I smile wide with my closed. “Love-,“ I say when feel a pillow hit my face.


Marie eventually gave up her ideas about my birthday party and so we watched a few movies instead. Unfortunately I decided to come home ending the fun because I need food.

I open and close the front door and immediately hear my aunt. “Andrew is that you?” she asks. “Yeah, it’s me. Did you cook anything? I’m starving.” I say putting down my keys on the dining table. “I did, sit. I’ll get you a plate.” She smiles and I do as she says. A few minutes go by and a hot plate of pasta is set in front of me. “Is this alfredo?” I ask and she nods, I love alfredo sauce. “Do you want water or ice tea?”

“Ice tea please.” I start to eat, she sets a full glass of ice tea on the table and I give her a thankful look. “You need, a napkin, I’ll get it.” She says and walks back to the kitchen. I set my fork down and take the napkin then look at her. “What do you want?” I ask and get a confused look. “You’re being too nice, what do you want?” She awkwardly giggles and sits next to me. “Nothing, I was just going to ask you about your day.” I examine her until I fall in time. “You want to know if he called don’t you?” She acts offended and softly pats her hair. “No, that’s not it… But out of curiosity, did he?” I slightly smile and shake my head. “Oh, I probably gave him your number wrong.” She chuckles. “No, he just didn’t call because he doesn’t care.” She shook her head and sighed. “It’s true Aunt Katy. What do you expect? Him after all these years to care out of the blue?”  
“Andrew, there are things you are too young to understand but when life gives you a chance to opportunities like this just take them and don’t question it.” With that she gets up and leaves.

I slowly but finally finish eating when I receive a text from Drake.

‘Are you coming out tonight?’
‘Count on it. I need a drink or two. You drive.’ I replied.

I walk over to the living room and my aunt is watching TV. For some reason she seemed upset earlier so I try to apologize. “Hey, I’m sorry if I upset you. You know I don’t around easily to things like this.” I say standing over the couch behind her with my hand on her shoulders. “It’s okay, just give thought to it.” She half smiles, “We’ll see.” I smile and make my way to my room. “I’m going out tonight with Drake,” I say walking to the door of my room. “Be careful.” She half yells. “Will do.”
‘Be ready by 9:30’ I get a text from Drake.

It’s 8:05, that should be enough time.

Time flies and Drake is outside. I walk through the living room and my uncle is already home. “Hey, you closed up early today?” I ask my uncle who sits with my aunt. “Yeah, I’m not feeling too good today.” I hear him say as I put on my jacket. “If you need anything call me okay?” He nods and I smiles. “Alright, I’ll see you later.”

“Be careful and use a condom!” I hear uncle Phil yell as I walk out. 

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