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I feel empty. My friends are too tired to deal with my bullshit, and everyone else has their own problems. That's the problem with this world. No one can get help, because everyone has something else on their minds.

It feels like I can't help others either. I want to, it helps me to help them. But its like my emotions/lack of emotions get in the way.

One day, there will be a final chapter of this. Depression is never ending, no matter what its always a part of you. You can't just get rid of it completely.

So if there is an end to a story about a never ending thing, well you might just be able to guess what the end is.

It would probably be my suicide.

If you haven't noticed yet, the names of the chapters (the first letter of each) spell out something new. Eventually there will be an s. But it shouldn't be the last chapter, due to its placement. It could very well be the last.

This could be the last. Any chapter could be. 

I hope, with all my heart, the real Katie, not this dark, distorted version of Katie, stays alive.

I do believe that I have a blurryface. The way I act when i'm upset. That's him. That's why randomly I will switch out of a happy mood, because a different part of me was activated.

Even though, i'm usually in my blurryface- especially while writing, there's this part of me, that is still me.

So, I hope, that Katie will stay alive. Be healthy. Have a purpose. Feel accepted. Follow her dreams.

But, she can't do that. Not every dream comes true. but she can try, and well, Magi, Alex, Alex the Curly Forehead, and any other close people to me, I need your help okay? This does sound like a PSA or just an infomercial, but I'm serious.

Now, if any adults are reading this, like my Mom, etc. I don't need to be sent to the hospital. I have friends and family to help me through this. The real Katie is out there somewhere. I promise.

Depression **Doing Good, Read Final Chapter**Where stories live. Discover now