Chapter 8

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I was incredibly depressed heading home. My heart is heavy as I take steps taking me further away from something so perfect.

A perfect little family, living the perfect life....

Is it bad that I’d rather be with them than at my home? Is it selfish that I want to be in their family instead of my own? Am I horrible person? Questions race around my mind and I clutch my head from the slight headache growing. It’s dark out, and I walk quickly so I don’t run into any trouble. I’ve got about a 30 minute journey left. I think I’m going to take a shortcut to  cut the time by half. Something Mrs. Howieson said pops into my head.

“It’s getting late dear. Are you sure you don’t want a lift home?” Meena asked as I began putting my shoes on to get home. I look through the window. It was dark and it was cold. But I couldn’t accept her charity. She had been so kind already- I didn’t want to push my luck and her not like me because I asked for too much.

“I’ll be fine. I can look after myself...i’ve done it for a while now,” I mutter the last part but I think Mrs Howieson hears.

Nisha gave me hug as did Joel. Mrs Howieson then pulled me into a hug. She held me close and whispered into my ear,

“When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, give it a 1000 reasons to smile. A wise woman said that to me once,” she whispered.

Meena invited me back and said I was welcome whenever. I was accepted...I was welcome. I had never smiled so big in years. I decide to count all the reasons to smile and to my shock there are more that I could have possibly imagined. I see the shortcut and debate whether I should take it or not. I check the time and see it’s already 9:45pm.

Crap! I’m late.

I hurry through the shortcut quickly.

I’m gonna get so beat for this.

Mum can’t save me now.  I was meant to be back 9. I guess I was walking much slower than I thought. The shortcut is a little alley-way that leads to a small, overgrown park. If you then follow a snake path it leads right to the other big park near my house. I sometimes use this route...just never at this time at night. It is oddly silent as I go through the alley-way. Only my footsteps and my breathing can be heard. I walk quicker as for some reason I’m scared. I look around. My instinct is telling me to run...and I do. I run. But obviously not fast enough. An arm reaches out in front of me and grabs me. I let out a scream which is quickly muffled by a hand over my lips. Another arm snakes round my hip, and I’m clutched to a stranger. I instantly know it’s a man.  

“Keep quiet baby. You’re going to enjoy this,” his gruff voice whispers. I wriggle and fight him but a hit to the back of the head effectively makes me stop. But I’m not knocked out...yet. His breath smells like alcohol and cigarettes and I can tell he’s high. He bites my ear violently, drawing blood and kisses down my neck. I shudder in disgust and begin to cry. He must have taken my shudder for pleasure as he lets out a groan. His hands travel around my body and he whips me around so I’m facing him. He is an ugly man, probably in his early fifties. His nose is crooked and he doesn’t have all his teeth. Some teeth are a revolting black colour, while others are completely out of place. Not even braces could fix that nor the best dentist in the world. His hair is a graying brown and his eyes are blue. I continue to memorise his features so if I’m assaulted tonight I know exactly what the monster looks like. I find myself being dragged to the small park. I cry and struggle more. If we go there, my calls for help will definitely not be heard.

On reaching the park he harshly pushes me onto the ground behind a big bush so we can’t be seen. I scramble up to make a run for it but he grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me back down. A whimper leaves my lips from the hard landing. He violently takes off my clothes and discards them so I'm left in nothing but underwear. I shiver as the cold air hits my body. He takes off his belt slowly - taunting me in a way. I close my eyes not wanting to see anymore. He touches up my leg and I feel sick.

Suddenly I don’t feel his touch anymore. I open my eyes to see a young man fighting the monster about to assault me. I let out a sigh of relief...i’ve been saved.

Shit. I didn't realise how short this chapter was. And i forgot to post last night - I fell asleep writing it sorry... I'm just really tired.

Anyway its Easter so I've got a 3 week holiday starting on Saturday so I'll have plenty of time to write!

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the next update is next week Tuesday and it will be a long one this time.

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