Chapter 10

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"Wait- are you telling me your name is actually Adonis?" I say spluttering. Laughing hurts my chest so I soon stop. His name suits him.

His lips lift up into a smirk.

"Yeh it is. I'm half greek," he says chucking a little, "I get that a lot,".

I nod not knowing how to reply. He asks for my name. I shake my head in reply, not wanting to tell him. Thankfully he doesn't prod.

"You're at my house precious. I saved you from that man and brought you here. You're pretty beaten up precious and I tried to treat all your wounds and injuries,"

I nod gratefully.

"Thank you. I really appreciate your help," I whisper.

He smiles, his hand still in mine. We sit on the bed, enjoying the silence even though there are so many questions to be asked. We're both strangers. I'm in a stranger's house. Adonis gets up abruptly, making the bed bounce, making me bounce. The slightest movements causes me pain and he notices this and utters a quick sorry.

"Your probably hungry. It's 10 past 7. You're parents are most likely really worried about you. I'll make your breakfast then I'll drop you back home,"

I don't want to go home!

But I nod my head anyway as he flashes me another small smile. I'm apprehensive to go home. I know the beating will be bigger than anything imaginable. I know I won't be walking afterwards and all I can do now is to prepare myself- mentally and physically.

He holds out his for me to take which I do. I never realised how tall he is until I was this close to him. I reach just under his chin. I let go of his hand and step away from him- not used to being close with a male without being hurt. He looks a bit hurt my action but I dismiss it.

I'm probably seeing things.

He takes my hand again squeezing it. He holds it firmly so this time I can't let go. For some reason this makes my heart flutter. Leading me out of the room, he gives me another one of his perfect small smiles. I'd really like to see a big smile but he doesn't do that much. The hall is wide and spacious. The width of it is bigger than my actual room. His entire house is massive and the interior design is gorgeous. Although modern, if you look closely you can find some old elements. I instantly fall in love without the house and find myself wanting to explore more. Adonis walks quickly, not giving me enough time to appreciate the interior design. My whole body aches as we move but I push past the pain.

It's nothing new. I'm used to it.

When we reach the steps I halt. I know going down will be painful and I try to prepare myself as quickly as possible before Adonis notices anything wrong. Adonis sees i had stops and stopped with me. He assesses me over, his eyes observant as he tries sees what's wrong. I ignore his eyes and begin to take a step forward. Suddenly I'm swooped off the ground and in the strong arms of someone. Adonis holds me close to his chest and carries me bridal style down the stairs. His hold is gentle and careful not to hurt me. My heart swells. I feel like crying. Colour rushes up to my cheeks as Adonis looks down at me and gives me a smirk. He drops me down as if I'm a delicate flower once we reach the bottom landing.

"I thought it would hurt going down the stairs because of your ribs and stuff," he explains sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thank you," And I mean it. He has no idea how much what he did meant to me.

Adonis takes my hand in his own again and pulls me towards where I suppose is the kitchen. As we walk we pass a big mirror. A horrified gasp leaves my lips as I take in my reflection. I look horrible. My lip is busted and swollen and an ugly black bruise paints the skin below my eye. My hair looks as if a raccoon lives in it and my eyes are bloodshot. I look away not wanting to see myself anymore. It only makes me despise myself more.

How can Adonis look at me without being disgusted? I look terrible.

Adonis hears me gasp and turns around to see what the problem was. He drops my hand and cradles my face.

"You're beautiful. Don't let anyone, including yourself tell you different," He encourages. A tear creeps out of my eye and rolls down my cheek. Adonis wipes it away with his thumb. We barely know each other. He's a stranger. And yet he makes me feel human. He makes me feel wanted. He makes me feel normal. I pull away awkwardly unable to say anything. He takes my hand again and we finally reach the kitchen. The kitchen is huge. Bigger than any kitchen I have ever seen. The color design is black and white making the kitchen look elegant. He sits me down and starts opening cupboards and pulling out ingredients.

Where are his parents? Family? Does he live here by himself?

He speaks as he cooks.

"Well you already know my name is Adonis. I'm new to this town. I moved here a couple days ago with my brother. I'm 16- I'm going to be a sophomore at the local high school. I didn't want to go to the private one. It's filled with a bunch of posh snobs,"

I enjoy hearing his voice. It's deep and comforting. He continues to talk, trying to fill the silence in the room. I'm surprised to hear he's only 16; he looks much older. A lovely scent fills the room. It smells like bacon. I've never had bacon before. It's only for father. But whenever mumma makes it for him, I sit by the door and just take in the smell. When I was younger I would eat the air. It sounds crazy but it gave off the illusion that I was actually eating bacon. Sizzling noises fill the room as he pours the egg onto the pan. It's quite mesmerising to watch him cook. He obviously knows his war round the kitchen. Flipping the egg, he gives me a smirk. He places the food onto two plates and walks over to me. Setting the food down he gives me a dazzling smile.

"to fagito serviretai," he says playfully in what I think is greek. (the food is served)

Hearing it makes me shudder and I'm pretty sure I melted into a puddle.

This update is a day late! I'm sorry for that. I thought I would be updating tomorrow or Wednesday instead but something was cancelled this morning so I had time to write. Im sorry for updating late.

Did you enjoy this chapter? Do you like Adonis? Who should play him?

A full cast list coming soon.

This chapter is quite long. I enjoyed writing it.

Don't forget to vote for your favourite cover in a previous chapter.

Thanks! The next update will be Saturday/Sunday definitely. If I have written I will post earlier.

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