Chapter 11

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I eat the breakfast vigorously. It's delicious. Hands down the best thing I've ever tasted, not including the amazing meal at Nisha's house. These past 2 days have been completely luxurious- something I'm not used to. But i do know when I eventually go back, which will be soon, hell will crash down on me.

I'm eating bacon!

I'm screaming in my head although on the outside I'm trying to seem as calm as possible. And I have a full egg- I've never had that before. I normally have fathers leftovers which is a rare occasion. I swear he licks his plate clean for the satisfaction that I won't be getting any. I've only eaten less than half and I'm already full. Probably because of all the food I had yesterday and because my body isn't used to having much. I stuff it down though. This is a major blessing and I'm not about to waste it. Adonis watches me eat, his plate untouched. He makes small conversations trying to make me laugh which he succeeds in of course.

Once I finish, I pick up my plate and take it to the sink. I proceed to wash it out then dry it.

"You don't need to that. I've got a dishwasher," he say, taking the plate from me and placing it in the hidden dishwasher. My heart flutters and my breath intakes as he leans over me but I try play it off by wiping my hands on my shirt. I add a small cough for effect as well.

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate it," I say gratefully to him, wondering why I'm so affected by him.

"It's fine. We should probably get going,"

I nod. In my head I'm screaming no but still, I nod. He leaves the kitchen, leaving me standing alone by the sink but soon returns but with car keys in his hand.

"Come on precious, we're taking my Aston Martin for a spin," He smirks, expertly throwing the keys up in the air and successfully catching it.

I trail behind him, following him out of his grand home. We enter a garage with about 9 gorgeous cars in. There are big cars; small, sleek cars; fancy cars, it's car heaven. We stop in front of a fancy greyish, silver car after passing 2 cars.

"Meet Penelope. Now be careful with my baby, she's one of my favourite cars," he says seriously.

I roll my eyes.

He's one of them annoying guys that name their car. What kind of name is Penelope for a car? (AN: no offense to anyone called Penelope)

I see why he wants me to be careful. It is a expensive car. I grimace at the thought of entering it. A piece of trash like me shouldn't be in such a nice car. I've seen too much money these past two days. Firstly Nisha, then this. He opens the door for me and I hesitate before I enter.

Breathe. It's just a car- you've just been inside two fancy ass houses.

I step in, resting in the comfortable leather seats. All the controls and buttons look complicated and I don't even think about touching one of them.

Good god- it even smells expensive.

I watch Adonis run to the side and press a button. The garage door slowly opens. Adonis slides into the seat next to me and turns the car on. It vibrates and hums gently as it starts.

"So, where are we going?" He asks, pulling out of his garage and into his driveway.

I close my eyes not wanting to tell him my address. We live in the worst place in town and on that street. Everyone knows what that street is- it's infamous around here. It's known for gang fights and how crappy the street is. Melbourne Drive. We live in a poor area, but this street is the worse. Nobody wants to live there or even step foot on it. I decide not to tell him my exact address in case he thinks badly of me. I tell him a street a couple roads down from where I live.

He nods, not even bothering typing it into his phones google maps or a satnav. He doesn't judge the fact that I live on that side of town which I respect. The car hums as it moves forward, quite quickly I must say. I can't bring myself to enjoy the journey. Instead I worry about what's waiting for me at home. Adonis tries to make conversation but gives up when I only answer in one-word answers. It's not that I'm trying to be rude, I've just got a lot on my mind. Adonis turns into the street that's supposedly where I live.

"Which house?" he questions, slowing down.

I decide to pick the nicest looking home. It's a average sized house. Nothing compared to Adonis' mansion. I'm guessing it only has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and probably no garden at all. But the outside looks presentable and neat. The small patch of grass has been mowed and colourful flowers decorate the side near the fences. The other houses aren't nearly as tidy.

"Nice place you have," he says nodding kindly at me.

I shrug nonchalantly. Stepping out of his car, I look back at Adonis

"Thank you again...for everything," I say clearly.

"See you around school," he replies, giving me another one of his signature smirks.

I give him a small smile before closing the door. I walk around the back of the car and wait. I wait for him to speed off...but he doesn't. He stares at me. He's waiting for me. I huff in my head.

Ughhh. Why is he such a gentleman?

I walk up the bath and ring the doorbell. I give him a look- trying to get him to leave. He gives me a wave before turning the engine on and speeding off into the distance. I breathe a sigh of relief, planning to leave and go back home. But I'm not quick enough. The door swings open showing a young black lady, probably about 21, staring back at me.

"Can I help you?" her tone isn't harsh or patronising. She seems quite busy and I feel bad for disturbing her.

"Sorry wrong house," I stutter nervously.

"Ok hunny, have a nice day. Hope you find the right house" she says giving me a gently smile.

"You too," I say before turning around and exiting the scene quickly. My cheeks flame red.

Your so stupid. Why would you say that? Now she probably thinks your some crazy kid. 'You too' it sounded as if I was saying hope she had good luck about finding the right house when she isn't even going looking for some house.

A voice cuts me out of my rambling.

"Are you ok dear?"

If I wasn't completely red I definitely am now. I look around noticing I had stopped by her fence in midstep.

"Yeh," i say quickly, before running off not waiting for her reply. I run and run and run. I run extra fast when I reach the street. Something bad could happen to you if you even slow down. I stop when I reach my destination.

My personal hell....

The place I hate most...

My nightmare.... home...


This was quite a long chapter I think. I'm sorry it's so late. My grandpa died and I have been mourning and haven't had the chance to write or update. RIP GRANDPA- FLY WITH THE BIRDS. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed writing it- it was fun. I think I'm going to make the lady a more frequent character in the book. I still haven't got any ideas for Adonis. Help me out guys!

Thanks for reading. My next update will be next Monday/Tuesday I think. I've been struggling to find time to write. 

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