Chapter 14

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I'M BACK! How long has it been? Probably like 3-4 months. I'm well aware I've probably lost most of my readers :( . Hopefully they will be back and I'll meet more readers on the way! Comment here if your an old or new reader and tag as many people as possible!

I'll be posting a lot more hopefully. It's time to get back off we started. Now without further a do, I give you the next chapter!!! *that was dramatic, I apologize :) *

Adonis POV (your welcome xox)

"We haven't seen you in months," I snap angrily.

"I'm busy," he says simply.

"Dad are you fucking serious? It-" I say angrily.

"Don't use that tone with me Adonis. I don't have time for your immature behavior. I'll transfer a couple hundred thousand to your account. Now put your brother on the phone," his voice holds no room for argument and anger quickly brews at the bottom of my stomach.

"Money doesn't buy fucking happiness father," I say. I don't know if he hears me or not but he doesn't reply.

I hand my phone over to my brother who gives me a knowing look. Throwing on my jacket, I reach for my shoes. I need to get out of here before I fucking explode.

Heath, my brother seems to be finishing off with dad with an equally as annoyed look on his face.

"Are you going out?" he says, throwing my phone to me.

I catch it swiftly, giving my brother a sharp nod- to irritated to speak. He nods in understanding.

"Don't do anything too crazy and don't be back too late. I'm going to Kasi's place for the night so I'll be back tomorrow afternoon I think,"

I nod again. Kasi is his girlfriend. He normally spends the night there. They're thinking of moving in together but my brother has held back... Because of me.

I storm out the house, not bothering to take the car. I need to walk out the anger bubbling up inside me. My father is a selfish asshole that doesn't give 2 shits about his kids. This was the first time he had called in 2 months. I haven't seen him in 4. We moved here a couple days ago because of Kasi. I don't even know if my dad knows we've moved yet.

I walk for a while. Not really knowing where I'm going. I find a small park behind an allerway. Perfect-silence. The silence is comforting and calming. It leaves me completely alone with my thoughts.

I don't know how long I sit, dwelling on my thoughts. My anger hasn't dispersed yet, so I'm just a pent up ball of rage. I feel like screaming in frustration but instead I sit on the rock, fists clenched and jaw ticking in absolute silence. My fists lay by my side, my head down and my head pulled into a bitter scowl. I'm in 'a mood' again as Heath likes to say. It's when I get so angry it takes me hours to calm down; a trait I obtain sadly from my father. A loud scream for help takes me out of my thoughts. The voice is from a girl and I jump up quickly following the voice as quick as I can. The scene I'm met with has me growling in rage. A teenage girl being assaulted by a greasy old man. He's already gotten far- bastard.

I jump into action, grabbing the man by his shoulders and pumelling my fists into his face.

Finally, I think. As sadistic as it sounds, it feel good to be hitting something. For some reason I can't stop- my anger keeping me going. I don't know if it's anger about the filthy rapists writhing on the floor or anger about my father. I only stop when I hear a tiny, soft whimper come from the lips of the girl laid behind me.

"Fucking piece of shit," I spit at the man.

I stop punching the guy and turn around carefully heading for the girl. I walk slowly, as non-threatening as possible. She curls up into a ball- she's afraid of me.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you. It's ok. You're safe,"

I bend down towards her. The second I look into her gorgeous eyes, my breath is taking a way. With just her eyes, my anger levels go down. She calms me down. My eyes widen as I realise she's naked. The first thing I notice is her bruises. They paint her skin- she couldn't have gotten them all now, some look old and faded yet still prominently there. Cuts and scars cover her delicate skin. I hurt for her. I snap out of my thoughts. She probably thinks I'm a pedo because I was staring at her body. I didn't even look at her intimate parts- I couldn't bring myself to take advantage of her like that- even if it is just looking. I quickly pull off my coat then hoodie, I help her into the hoodie then coat. The cold hair prickles my skin but not in a painful way- more of a refreshing way. My clothes cover her up nicely. I snake my arm around her waist and help her up. She's so light. She is putting all her weight on me and I can't feel a thing. I don't know if it's safe to be so light. It feels nice to have her so close to me.

Wtf is wrong with you Adonis. You don't even know her name!

I ignore my sharp thoughts, and begin to lead her to my house. Her eyes close; assuming she's fallen asleep I carry her in my arms all the way home. I regret not bring my car and I don't want to ring a taxi incase they think I've hurt or drugged her. After a short 30 minute walk, I reach my house. Not even tired I use the voice recognition to unlock my house and open the door. I'm thankful the new butler and maid haven't arrived yet- it would be a bit awkward. I take her to one of the spare rooms, but they just don't seem pretty enough for the beauty sleeping in my arms. I go further down the hall and into Lili's room. I lay her on the bed carefully and tuck her in.

"Sweet dreams," I whisper to her, kissing her on the forehead before I leave the room, shutting the door quietly. 


This is an OK length chapter size. It isn't very long- I admit but writing in Adonis POV is tiring. 

I hope  you enjoyed this chapter . You got to see another side of Adonis. I will reveal more secrets as the time goes on ;)

Thanks for reading- I appreciate it SO much.

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